Best Expandable Hoses You Can Buy Today

It’s impossible to have a garden without water. Plants need it, lawns need it. We all have to have a way of conveying that water to where it needs to be. And we all have old, heavyweight hoses lying about, as they’re a requirement in the yard. But in recent years, expandable garden hoses have jumped onto the market. How do they work, and which one’s best for you? Are there drawbacks or benefits of expandable hoses when compared to old-fashioned heavy hoses? Let’s find out!
Product | Features | ||
No products found. | Best OverallAterod 75ft Expandable Garden HoseBest Overall |
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![]() | Best ValueFlexi Hose 50ft Expandable Garden HoseBest Value |
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No products found. | High EndVIENECI 100ft Expandable Garden HoseHigh End |
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No products found. | Most VersatileGrowGreen 50ft Expandable Garden HoseMost Versatile |
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No products found. | Quality BuildTheFitLife Expandable Garden HoseQuality Build |
| Check Amazon Price |
No products found. | USA MadeTBI Pro Expandable Garden HoseUSA Made |
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No products found. | Small PickZalotte Expandable Garden HoseSmall Pick |
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![]() | Simple LookTruTec 50ft Expandable Garden HoseSimple Look |
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What Is An Expandable Garden Hose?

A normal hose is bulky, takes up lots of room, and tends to be heavy as it’s made of heavy materials like rubberized fabric. They kink, they are inflexible, and they’re a bit annoying to deal with. While there’s now hoses which are flat until water opens them up, they’re still fairly weighty (if less heavy than the traditional rubberized hoses), and they tend to spring leaks along the edges where it stays folded, especially when stored outdoors.
By comparison, think of expandable garden hoses as if they were giant water balloons. As water fills the hose, the interior of the hose stretches until it hits the exterior shell, which prevents the hose from growing too large in diameter. This causes the hose to swell up and then delivers your water as a hose should. They don’t kink, they’re extremely flexible hoses, and they don’t twist in your hand. They’re very lightweight, and easy to store. But they only expand once water is inside of them. The rest of the time, they stay compact and contracted.
While on average most 25-foot expandable hoses are incredibly useful, if not cared for properly they will start to lose their flexibility or stretch out. They are nearly impossible to patch, so if you somehow puncture your hose, you may need to replace it rather than to try to patch it like a traditional hose. Since they contract when not in use, it’s unlikely that it’ll happen, but it’s good to be mindful of.
But all in all, expandable hoses are a great benefit in the garden in terms of length options and ease of use, and besides that, your kids will have fun watching these growing and shrinking hoses in action!
Types Of Hose Materials

The biggest complaint that has been leveled against expandable hoses is that they lack durability. And, when they were first being developed, that was true. Now, thanks to advances in the available materials and construction techniques, there’s two very sturdy interior materials being used which greatly improve their durability and prevent leakage. Let’s look at the options.
Latex Core
Latex, a natural rubber material, is used throughout the medical industry for gloves and other protectants. This stretchy material can be used to create hoses too. Using two to three layers of latex as the interior of the hose allows it to easily expand and contract without springing leaks, and it is commonly viewed to be very durable over time.
But should you pick two layers or three? That’s a question that’s largely a matter of debate. Triple-layered cores tend to be a bit less flexible than double-layered cores are. If the outer shell is constructed of heavy material, a double-layered hose might be just fine. But a triple-layered core also can handle heavier water pressure, so many manufacturers prefer to offer that just to enable more people to use their hoses.
TPC Core
Thermoplastic copolyester, or TPC, is the other core material which is often used for expandable hoses. Extremely heat-resistant, it’s often used for making industrial tubing. It also is considered quite durable, even as a single-layer material.
TPC is less common than latex is, generally because it tends to be pricier. Some people also believe that it doesn’t last as long, but I haven’t been able to find any verifiable proof of that, and I’ve really gone searching — it seems to last about the same amount of time as latex, provided that it’s given the right care.
Nylon Shell
You can’t have a bare core, because leaving either latex or TPC exposed to the elements presents a risk of puncture or sun damage. The industry standard for the outer shell fabric is nylon. Nylon fabrics will easily contract when the internal core does. This fiber also easily sheds water, which helps prevent against mildew or other mold issues when it’s being stored. It’s also long-lasting, as nylon fibers wear extremely well with use.
Hose Fittings
Generally speaking, hoses usually offer the option of brass, aluminum, or plastic fittings. However, expandable hoses tend to stick with brass overall. This has a lot to do with the fact that brass is long-lived, even when constantly exposed to water. It does not rust, and while it can oxidize over time, the oxidation is not harmful to the metal. Being metal, it is naturally more heat-resistant than plastic is. Further, due to the nature of brass, it does not tend to damage as consistently over time as the softer surfaces of aluminum do. The majority of high-quality expandable hoses tend to have brass fittings.
Mid-range hoses often still have aluminum fittings to reduce the weight of the hose. Depending on the manufacture of the fitting itself, this can be just fine, or it can be a problem. Good manufacturing ensures that your fitting doesn’t get dented or bent when it’s connected at the faucet, problems which can make a hose no longer function properly.
Plastic connectors have mostly been phased out on expandable hoses nowadays. But there are still inexpensive knock-off brands that use them, so buyer beware!
One other thing that isn’t often considered is the strength of the joint where the fitting attaches to the hose. That’s where most leaks in this type of hose form, and it’s important to select a hose that has some form of protective material at the end to prevent the hose from bending right next to the hose fitting, as that can slowly cut through your hose and render it useless. While most companies have taken that into consideration now, there’s still some cheaper hoses that have a weak end joint!
Hose Sizes
In traditional hoses, it’s most common to see hoses available in 25 foot, 50 foot, or 100 foot lengths, but the lengths that people tend to purchase the most are 25-50 feet. Often, that’s because of the heavy weight of these hoses and the annoyance of lugging them around. For people with larger yards, this can mean that they have 2 hoses they have to join together with a coupler by hand to reach greater distances from their spigot, and that’s a great annoyance, but preferable to hauling around unwieldy and awkward hoses.
With expandable hoses, the options range anywhere from 10 feet in length up to 200 feet. While most people really don’t need more than 25-50 feet for most day-to-day uses, this means that the options are open in terms of longer hose lengths. Even with the added length, they are not as difficult to move or anywhere near as bulky. A 200-foot expandable hose can contract down to the space of a 65-foot or smaller traditional hose, which also means they’re much easier to store when not in use.
Tips To Choose A Quality Expandable Hose
So you’ve decided that an expandable hose is something you’d like to pick up… now what? There’s a lot of varieties available, but what you need to narrow down is the one that’s going to be the best for your uses. Here’s a list of things to consider when you’re picking your hose.
Are you going to be using a sprinkler?
If you are using a sprinkler, there’s an interesting quandary that you need to take into consideration. An expandable hose only expands when the water is on. That means that to get your sprinkler set in place, you have to have the hose on, and you might get wet. Also, when the water turns off, the hose contracts, and it can pull your sprinkler right back with it. That isn’t bad if it’s just across the lawn, but it’s not so good when it’s through your flowerbeds. Some hoses have a shutoff valve at the end so that you can get it set into place or shut it off with the hose fully expanded, but you may still get wet when you turn on the valve.
Are you going to be using the hose without a sprayer head?
If you have kids, and they want to fill their wading pool, this hose is great as long as someone’s holding it. But because it’s essentially a giant water balloon that delivers your water to where you want it, using it without something that maintains the flow and keeps the hose full means that the pressure inside the hose will fluctuate. If you put your hose into a wading pool to fill it and then walk away, it will flop around, and might actually bounce out of the pool. So make sure one of the kids is there to hang onto it!
What purposes are you using it for?
If you’re just looking for something that you use every once in a while to wash your car, chances are that you’re going to want a relatively short hose, so something like a 25-foot hose is more than adequate. But if you’re dragging it around to water a large garden or yard, you are going to want something longer that can hold up to more stress and more water weight. As the hose length increases, the risk of puncture also increases, so most companies make their longer hoses from three layers of latex or heavier TPC and with sturdier nylon shells. Look at the labels and see what its durability is rated for, and make sure it matches your plans for use.
Do you have the right place to store it?
Traditional hoses are often left lying in the back yard, or coiled up on hose reels so they’re always at hand. But with expandable hoses, you need to take storage locations into consideration. Due to the nylon cloth exterior, you have to have a location which allows for sufficient airflow to allow the hose to dry fully, and that usually means you need to hang up the hose to dry. You also want your location to be out of direct sunlight most of the time to prevent sun damage to your hose.
Do you get hard freezes in the winter?
Expandable hoses can be fantastic for people who live in southern California, where it seldom gets cold enough to freeze and where a hose can be used all year. But if you live in part of the country where hard freezes are common, you may want to only use your expandable hose during the summer months, and you should let it dry out fully before winter arrives. You don’t want to risk any damage to your hose from freezing and cracking that may happen if it’s still damp when the cold comes.
What’s your water pressure like?
Expandable hoses do really well with consistent water pressure, and can generally handle the majority of normal homes’ water pressures with ease. But if you have very low water pressure in your yard, your hose might not be as effective. If you’ve got extremely high water pressure, you may want to make sure your hose is rated for higher water pressures so it won’t burst, or put a pressure regulator on your faucet before using it. I’d estimate that very few people will encounter this problem, but it’s one to be mindful of.
What is your hose made from?
If you pick up the cheapest expandable hose, you’re likely buying the cheapest grade of materials and a hose that’s made with the cheapest quality standards. And in that case, your hose won’t last very long. Selecting a hose that’s made from good quality materials with great manufacturing standards may cost you more, but in the long run it’ll save you money, as you won’t be replacing your hose as often.
Does your hose come with care guidelines or a warranty?
Different hoses are constructed differently, and where most manufacturers recommend storing your hose (when dry) in a cool and dry place, there’s different care instructions you should follow when it’s wet. Be sure to follow your manufacturer’s directions to ensure the best results. Also, having a warranty is important, as even the best expandable hose might have a defect in the core material — make sure you try to find one with a warranty.
The Best Expandable Garden Hoses
Now that you know everything about the collapsible garden hose, let’s dive into the reviews. You will rapidly notice that I’m not including reviews of most “As Seen On TV” varieties like the Pocket Hose Brass Bullet or the XHose Pro. I’m focusing on hoses that have developed further beyond the lightweight construction of those television models, and ones that offer a more long-term solution to your garden needs. As useful as the television models can be, they just don’t seem to last as long, and I want you to get your money’s worth out of your hose!
Best Overall
Aterod 75ft Expandable Garden Hose
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Length | 75 feet expanded, 25 contracted |
Weight | 4 pounds |
Materials | Polyester & latex |
Add-Ons and Features | 9 function nozzle with trigger grip, brass connectors, comes with hose hanger and storage bag |
For a good, basic hose, you cannot beat this offering from Aterod. The outer hose fabric is polyester and has lots of flex. Inside, a latex core contains your water, with a specialized inner tip at the hose ends to prevent cracking or leaking around the latex.
The hose nozzle is also reliable. It’s not fancy by any stretch of the imagination, but it gets the job done well and reliably. And really, when all is said and done, having a reliable and functional hose is the best option for most people.
Best Value
Flexi Hose 50ft Expandable Garden Hose
- The Flexi Hose expandable garden hose...
- Strong fittings for reliability! Solid 3/4 inch...
- Expandable, lightweight construction without...
Length | Available in 50ft, 75ft, or 100ft expanded lengths |
Weight | 2.86lbs (for 50ft length; slightly heavier for other lengths) |
Materials | 3750D elastic fabric, latex |
Add-Ons and Features | Brass connector ends. 2mm thick latex is advertised as the thickest on the market. Includes 8-function nozzle with trigger grip. |
The Flexi-Hose brand really popularized the expandable hose market, and they’re still in it. Advertising their product as the thickest latex available on the market at 2mm, they have continued to stay up to pace with changes and trends in their product line.
While their 8-function included nozzle isn’t quite as fancy or multifunctional as other nozzles out there, you can always swap it for your hose sprayer of choice. The hose itself is kink-free and ready to use right out of the box.
High End
VIENECI 100ft Expandable Garden Hose
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Length | 100 feet expanded, 33 feet contracted |
Weight | 4.8lb |
Materials | Polyester and latex |
Add-Ons and Features | 9 function nozzle with trigger grip, brass connectors, comes with hose hanger and storage bag |
Kink-resistant and crush-resistant, this 100 foot hose will get you everywhere you need to reach. In its fully contracted state, it’s only 33 feet long. Turn on the water and watch it grow to its full length!
Double-walled latex makes the inner core, surrounded by durable polyester fabric. It features brass connector ends and comes equipped with a nice 9-function hose nozzle.
Most Versatile
GrowGreen 50ft Expandable Garden Hose
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Length | Available in 25ft, 50ft, 75ft or 100ft lengths |
Weight | 2.85lbs for 50ft length, varies with other lengths |
Materials | Polyester and latex |
Add-Ons and Features | Brass connector ends. Includes 8-function nozzle with trigger grip. |
Want a different color than black? Try GrowGreen’s expandable offering. This sturdy hose provides excellent service in the garden, but blends into the leaves and grasses you’re growing around it.
While it doesn’t come equipped with a hanger, it does come with a reasonable 8-function hose nozzle. But its best selling point isn’t the nozzle; it’s that it can handle pressure up to 145psi without leakage. Since the average home water pressure doesn’t get that high, this can literally be used almost everywhere.
Quality Build
TheFitLife Expandable Garden Hose
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Length | Available in 25ft, 50ft, 75ft or 100ft lengths |
Weight | 1.8lbs for 25ft; other sizes weigh incrementally more as you add length |
Materials | Latex, fabric, brass |
Add-Ons and Features | Brass hose connections. Includes 8-function hose nozzle with lever control. |
A competitor of the GrowGreen model, TheFitLife’s hose also can take high pressure up to 145psi. This all-black hose virtually disappears into a shadowed corner, with only its shiny brass hose ends visible.
Its inner latex layer is a triple-thickness, giving you excellent puncture resistance. And, unlike many of its competitors, TheFitLife offers a lever-action nozzle. If you can’t squeeze the trigger for long periods of time, opt for this one and its ease of on, off, or a range of pressures in-between.
USA Made
TBI Pro Expandable Garden Hose
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Length | Available in 50ft or 100ft lengths |
Weight | 5.13lbs for 100ft length, less for the 50ft |
Materials | Polyester, latex, brass, zinc |
Add-Ons and Features | 8-way trigger-style hose nozzle has a zinc body, unlike the plastic of the competition. Features brass hose ends with a leakproof, no-rust aircraft aluminum seal inside. |
Looking for something that’s designed in the USA? Look no further. While it’s not fully constructed in the USA as of yet, the entire concept for this hose originated here, including its added leak-prevention in the brass tips.
A little heavier than its competitors, this expandable garden hose has a 4-layer latex core that will hold up to virtually anything. They put thought into the hose sprayer end as well, providing a zinc-body nozzle that’s lightweight and easy to use.
Small Pick
Zalotte Expandable Garden Hose
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Length | 25 feet |
Weight | 1.96lbs |
Materials | Polyester, latex |
Add-Ons and Features | Brass hose ends, 3-layer latex core, small and compact for those small spaces. Comes with storage bag, hose hanger and 9-pattern trigger-style hose nozzle. |
Only 9 feet when contracted, Zalotte’s hose expands rapidly up to its 25-foot maximum length once the water’s turned on. This hose is a great, handy addition when you just need something right near your water source — need something to wash the dog? This will do the job just fine.
The striped black and green coloration makes it look a little snake-like as it starts to fill, but that’s part of this short hose’s charm. For simple tasks and something that’s easy to put away, you’ll love this small hose.
Simple Look
TruTec 50ft Expandable Garden Hose
Length | 50 feet |
Weight | 3.54lbs |
Materials | Polyester, latex, brass |
Add-Ons and Features | Comes with 8-way trigger-style hose nozzle, storage bag, and a patented stainless steel hose holder designed to support the nozzle too. |
At the end of our list we reach TruTec’s offering. Triple-layer nylon core; sturdy polyester 3750D fabric; sure, it sounds like many of the other hoses on the list. Where this one takes a big shift is in the accessories.
While its 8-way hose nozzle is pretty standard, TruTec has designed a custom stainless steel hose holder that perfectly cradles your hose and supports their nozzle. In a pinch, it can also handle most other trigger-style nozzles, so if you swap out for a 10-way, it should still work just fine.
Last update on 2024-05-29 / Affiliate links / Images from Amazon Product Advertising API