Best Fertilizers For Zucchini: Ratings, Reviews, & Top Picks

Trying to find the best fertilizers for your zucchini plants but aren't sure which formula to pick? The right fertilizer will depend on a variety of factors, including your climate, watering schedule, sun availability, and more. In this article, hobby gardener Jason Wilson reviews our favorite Zucchini fertilizers.

Fertilized Zucchini

Looking for the best fertilizers for your Zucchini plants? Zucchinis are among the favorite squash varieties for many vegetable gardeners. Zucchini is easy to grow and are prolific producers when cultivated in the right conditions.

However, zucchini are heavy feeders and require adequate nutritional support throughout their growth cycle. For this reason, you have to provide enough nutrients through fertilizer application.

There are many fertilizers on the market, and it can be hard to spot the right one for your zucchini plants. We analyzed tens of brands to make your work easier, and ten zucchini fertilizers stood out. We will review them shortly. For now, let’s discuss a few things about zucchini fertilizers.

At A Glance: Top Zucchini Fertilizers

Top Pick

Jobes Organic Fertilizer

Our Rating

Jobe’s Organic Fertilizer

Organic Pick

Dr. Earth Tomato and Vegetable Fertilizer

Our Rating

Dr. Earth Organic Fertilizer

Budget Pick

Miracle Gro Shake n Feed

Our Rating

Miracle-Gro Shake ‘N Feed

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Buyer’s Guide

Fully Grown Zucchini
There are several important factors to consider before purchasing fertilizer for your Zucchini.

When shopping for the best fertilizers for zucchini, there are several factors you need to keep in mind before settling for a specific fertilizer brand. Zucchinis are heavy feeders, which means you have to apply enough nutrients suitable for different growth stages.

The preparations you do before planting determine how much and when you’ll need to apply fertilizers. If your garden has well-composted, rich, and well-drained soils, you can start applying fertilizer when you see the first signs of blooming.

Fertilizer Mix

However, for nutrient-deficient soils, fertilizers should be mixed with soil before planting. They can also be applied when vines start to spread and when the plants are about to flower. An all-purpose N-P-K fertilizer like 10-10-10 will provide zucchini with sufficient nutrients.

The fertilizer you opt for should provide enough nitrogen to promote vigorous foliage growth. It should also have a high percentage of potassium and phosphorus to enhance the root system, boost fruit production and cushion the plant against zucchini diseases and pests.

 However, it would help if you don’t use too much fertilizer as it might cause yellowing of leaves, dropping, fruit splitting, and even death of the plant. 

Fertilizer Balance

When picking the right fertilizer, there are several things you’ll need to consider. If you are an organic gardener, you need to go for a fertilizer with all-natural ingredients for a healthy garden. For gardens that have pests and bugs, inorganic fertilizer will do better.

Another thing, zucchini plants require nutrients at each stage of growth. Preparing your garden with compost long before planting may lower the need for subsequent feeding.

However, you’ll need a nitrogen-rich fertilizer to help with the vegetative growth. Potassium and phosphorus boost will be essential for fruit production and the development of the root system.  And you should consider a calcium-rich fertilizer to prevent leaf and flower fall.

Types of Fertilizers

The form of fertilizer you use in your garden will depend on whether your zucchini is indoor, potted, or outdoor. The frequency of watering can also affect the type of fertilizer you use. You can choose between liquid, granular, water-soluble, and spikes fertilizers.

 Water-soluble and liquid fertilizers are easy to absorb but wash out quickly when there’s excessive water. This is important when dealing with water-heavy veggies like Zucchini, squash, and when fertilizing cucumbers or pumpkins. Unsurprisingly, the fertilization needs of Zucchini aren’t that different than when you fertilize summer squash, since they are from the same family.

Spikes and granular fertilizers contain dry ingredients that slowly release nutrients into the soil over an extended period. They’re the best choice if you don’t want to keep feeding your plants every week.

Organic vs. Inorganic Plant Foods

You also need to decide whether you’ll use organic or inorganic fertilizers. Organic fertilizers are preferred since they’re from natural sources. They are environmentally friendly and are not toxic.

On the other hand, inorganic fertilizers work using the same principle as organic fertilizers but come from various non-living materials and chemicals. While they are not often toxic, these fertilizers are cheaper since they are easier to produce and help control bugs in your garden.

Top Fertilizers For Zucchinis

Zucchini Ready For Harvest
There are several fertilizers that will work for Zucchini depending on your hardiness zone and soil type.

Now that you understand a few things about zucchini fertilizers for your zucchini plants, it’s time to choose the right brand. Our favorite zucchini fertilizers are based on fertilizer composition, brand reputation, and value, and more.

Dr. Earth Organic Tomato Fertilizer

Dr. Earth Tomato and Vegetable Fertilizer
  • Organic Plant Food Formula.
  • Contains no GMOs.
  • Feeds for several months.
  • Ideal for Vegetables.
  • Easy to apply.
  • Premixed & ready to use.
  • Budget-friendly.

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Dr. Earth Organic is a nutrient-rich fertilizer that offers 4-6-3 formulation. The product comes from all-natural and organic ingredients, including bone, kelp flour, alfalfa, and fishbone.

It packs 4% water-insoluble nitrogen, 6% phosphate, 3% water-soluble potash and 4.75% of calcium.  The fertilizer also boasts probiotics and highly beneficial microbes, including fungi and bacteria. They act on the organic matter in the fertilizer, converting it into readily absorbable nutrients.

Additionally, they also create symbiotic relations with roots, thereby increasing their water and nutrients absorption rate.

Dr. Earth Organic Vegetable & Herb Fertilizer is ideal for use throughout the zucchini plant’s growth cycle. If used before planting, mix 1 ½ cups of fertilizer with ten square feet or ten cups per 50-foot row. 

Overall, the optimal level of nutrients in this organic fertilizer facilitates the abundant production of tasty and healthy zucchini.

What We Like

  • Continuous release of nutrients.
  • Boasts beneficial probiotics and microbes.
  • 100% natural and organic.
  • Pet and child safe.

What We Don’t

  • It might take a little longer to show any results.
  • Always on demand and is usually not readily available.

Miracle-Gro Shake ‘n Feed

Miracle Gro Shake n Feed
  • Contains natural ingredients.
  • Formulated with micronutrients.
  • Formulated with Calcium.
  • Great for calcium-needy crops.
  • Can be used in containers.
  • Feeds up to 3 months.
  • Budget-friendly.

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Miracle-Gro Shake n’ Feed is a fantastic product that boasts essential nutrients delivered through a time-release technology. 

The Miracle-Gro fertilizer comes with a 10-5-15 formula. It contains nitrogen, potassium, and phosphorus in proper proportions for substantial growth of leaves and tasty, healthy, and sizable fruits.

Additionally, the fertilizer includes calcium, which helps improve the plants’ resistance to diseases and pests. Gardeners will also love that this granulated fertilizer has magnesium, which prevents the yellowing of leaves.

Apply the four tablespoons of this nutrient-rich fertilizer at the base of the plants, and you can guarantee them continuous nourishment for up to three months. The fertilizer is suitable for both in-ground and potted plants.

What We Like

  • High nutrient content.
  • Smart time-release formulation.
  • Easy application and storage.
  • Supplies all essential macronutrients.

What We Don’t

  • It has a burning effect when it lands on the leaves.
  • A little bit pricey.

Osmocote Vegetable & Plant Food

Osmocote Flower and Vegetable
  • Promotes strong root development.
  • Ideal for perennials.
  • Increases top growth.
  • Creates flavorful veggies.
  • Easy to apply.
  • Several different sizes.
  • Budget-friendly.

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Ideal for perennial veggies, the Osmocote Flower & Vegetable plant food is an intelligent release fertilizer manufactured from naturally occurring raw materials.

The plant food comes in nutrient granules coated with a semi-permeable resin that allows water to penetrate and dissolve enveloped nutrients.

It boasts a high total nutrient composition of 14-14-14. Nutrients are slowly released for absorption by zucchini based on the temperature changes as the plant grows.

When applied to plants, the fertilizer continues to discharge essential nutrients for four whole months.

It boasts a high percentage of nitrogen for vigorous foliage growth and adequate phosphorus for strong root development. The potassium percentage in the fertilizer promotes the production of colorful blooms and savory fruits.

Apart from nitrogen, phosphorus, and potassium, Osmocote Plant Food also incorporates iron and magnesium, which give the zucchini leaves a deep color and prevent yellowing.

What We Like

  • Adopts innovative release technology for gradual discharge of nutrients.
  • It comes at a reasonable price.
  • 100% organic.
  • Quality wrapping for easy storage.

What We Don’t

  • Need to be applied early in the morning or in the evening.
  • It takes longer to show results.

Miracle-Gro Water Soluble Plant Food

Miracle Gro Veggie and Herb Food
  • Ideal for Herbs and Veggies.
  • Feeds plants instantly.
  • Burn-resistant.
  • Can be used with watering cans.
  • Great for cucumbers, and veggies.
  • Feeds plants quickly.
  • Budget-friendly.

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Being one of the US’s widely used liquid feed products, Miracle-Gro Water Soluble Plant Food is best suited to give vegetables like zucchini the nourishment they deserve.

The fertilizer is mixed with water and directly fed to the roots. It displays excellent results when used plants that are about to bloom. With a higher nutritional content of 18-18-21, this product delivers a generous yet balanced nitrogen, phosphorus, and potassium ratio.

Furthermore, it integrates macronutrients such as manganese, calcium, iron, zinc, and sulfur, improving the plants’ resistance to diseases and pests. 

It also boasts minerals such as molybdenum and boron, which help the zucchini plant maintain physiological balance and produce more fruits.

Miracle-Gro Water Soluble Plant food should be applied every one to two weeks by mixing 1 ½ tablespoon per 1 ½ gallon of water.  

What We Like

  • Incredible nutrient composition ratio (18-18-21).
  • Results take longer to manifest.
  • Ideal for established plants.
  • Boasts additional macronutrients for improved yields.

What We Don’t

  • Can overpower small or delicate plants.
  • It’s not organic.

Jobe’s Organic Vegetable Fertilizer

Jobes Organic Fertilizer
  • Ideal for Herbs and Veggies.
  • ORMI Approved.
  • Time-released.
  • No-mess easy spikes.
  • Certified for use by USDA.
  • Biozomes for improving soil conditions.
  • Budget-friendly.

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With a 2-5-3 nutrient composition, Jobe’s Organic Tomato, Vegetable & Herb has got what it takes to increase zucchini yields.

Its formidable combination of micro and macronutrients help curb deficiency-related problems, boost nutrients uptake and enhance the plant’s resistance to diseases and pests.

Its high percentage of phosphorus helps in shoot growth and fruition. The fertilizer has a healthy mix of bacteria, Mycorrhizal, Archaea, and fungi, strengthening the plant’s roots and improving soil quality.

Jobe’s Organic is a proper organic fertilizer that is renewable, biodegradable, sustainable, and environmentally friendly. You can use this fertilizer during soil preparation before planting or when your zucchinis are about to flower.

Use three cups per 20 square feet during soil preparation, and three cups per two feet of plant spread when the plants mature.

What We Like

  • Improves production and soil quality.
  • Environmentally friendly.
  • Highly percentage of phosphorus.
  • Boats a healthy mix of microbes.

What We Don’t

  • Smells nice and may entice dogs.
  • Low nitrogen and potassium content.

Burpee Organic Vegetable Fertilizer

Burpee Organic Vegetable Mix
  • Formulated for quick feeding.
  • Contains beneficial microbes.
  • Easy to apply granules.
  • Ideal for young betting plants.
  • Feeds up to 3 months.
  • Easy to Apply.
  • Budget-friendly.

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Made by a company with over 144 years of experience, Burpee Organic Granular Plant provides zucchinis with everything they need, from sowing to harvesting.

Its 3-6-4 NPK composition ratio means that the plants will get all the vital nutrients in proper proportions. Burpee also boasts of being one of the mainstream fertilizers with beneficial microbes in its granules.

The microbes make it a suitable choice for outdoor and potted planting. They play an essential role in breaking down the organic matter for easier absorption by the roots. Burpee organic can nourish your zucchini plants for up to three months.

For planting, mix one cup per ten square feet into the top four inches of soil. For established plants, mix 1 ½ cups per cubic foot of soil.

What We Like

  • Perfectly balanced NPK percentage (3-6-4).
  • Boasts beneficial microbes.
  • Up to three months of continuous release.
  • Ideal for young and established plants.

What We Don’t

  • Relatively expensive.
  • Has residual effect.

Miracle-Gro Performance Organics

Miracle Gro Performance Organics
  • Formulated specifically for edibles.
  • ORMI Certified.
  • Reapply every 4-6 weeks.
  • Covers up to 220 sq. feet.
  • Budget-friendly.
  • Easy-to-Apply.
  • Great for bigger harvests.

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Miracle-Gro Performance Organics boasts an incredible formula that provides vital nutrients to flowering zucchini plants.

The OMRI-certified fertilizer provides blooming zucchini plants with nitrogen, phosphorus, and potassium in a ratio of 7-6-9.

It comes from natural sources such as soybean, sunflower hull ash, rock phosphate, bone meal, and feather meal. It also boasts essential micronutrients such magnesium, sulfur, and calcium, contributing to bumper and healthier harvests.

Like its sister product Shake n’ Feed Fertilizer, the Miracle-Gro performance Nutritional Granules also slowly releases nutrients over one month.

Reapply the fertilizer after four to six weeks, and make sure you water the plants afterward. Apply 1 cup per 25 square feet and mix thoroughly with one to two inches of soil.

What We Like

  • Made from all-natural sources.
  • Boasts essential micronutrients.
  • Slow-release technology.
  • Easy to use.

What We Don’t

  • Needs watering after application.
  • Burning effect when applied on wet leaves or piled against the stem.

Sustane 464 Fertilizer

Sustane Naturally 4-6-4
  • Provides essential nutrients.
  • Produces more fruits and blooms.
  • Promotes microbial biodiversity.
  • Ideal for organic soil prep.
  • Proper pH Balance.
  • Easy to apply.
  • Budget-friendly.

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The main reason why Sustane 464 Fertilizer is ideal for your zucchini plants is its NPK ratio of 4-6-4. It provides vegetables such as zucchini with nutrients crucial for foliage growth, flowering, and fruiting.

It’s also critical for strong and healthy roots, which can be handy when your plants encounter stormy weather. And the best thing is that you can use it at any stage of zucchini growth.

You’ll also love the fact that this fertilizer promotes microbial diversity and improves the overall soil structure. Before you put your zucchini plants into the ground, your soil could use a little of the sustain fertilizer.

Lastly, it’s a tried and tested all-natural product that’s non-toxic and safe for your pets. You don’t have to keep your nosy puppy away when using this product.

What We Like

  • Improves overall soil structure and quality.
  • Promotes flowering and fruiting.
  • 100% organic.
  • Boasts all essential plant nutrients.

What We Don’t

  • The presence of chicken manure can make you a little squeamish.

Neptune’s Harvest Tomato Fertilizer

Neptunes Harvest Liquid Fertilizer
  • Increase volume and size.
  • Improves drought tolerance.
  • Increases plant vigor.
  • Great for trees, shrubs, and flowers.
  • Easy to apply.
  • Budget-friendly.
  • Liquid formula.

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Looking for the best liquid fertilizers for zucchini plants, Neptune’s Harvest Tomato & Veg Formula Fertilizer is the real deal.

With an intuitive 2-4-2 NPK ratio, this fertilizer helps boost and expand the volume and density of buds. It enhances the production of healthy, fresh, and tasty fruits.

It features an excellent combination of more than 60 minor and major nutrients and amino acids. With such a vital nutrients catalog, this fertilizer delivers strong, vigorous, and healthy plants. 

The vast nutrients also enhance the plant’s ability to tolerate harsh conditions, pests, and diseases and curb deficiency issues. You need to dilute the fertilizer at a ratio of 1/8 cup for one gallon of water. You should reapply the fertilizer after two to three weeks.

What We Like

  • One of the best foliar spray fertilizers.
  • Increases plant’s resistance to harsh temperature.
  • Boost helpful microbes.
  • Specially formulated for vegetables.

What We Don’t

  • Need to be sprayed early in the morning or late in the day.
  • It can’t be stored once diluted.

Burpee Organic Blood Meal Fertilizer

Burpee Organic Blood Meal
  • Provides a nitrogen boost.
  • Great for colorful blooms.
  • Provides vibrant green veggies.
  • Made in the United States.
  • Made of oranic material.
  • Easy to apply.
  • Budget-friendly.

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Since zucchini is a heavy feeder, it needs a side-dress to help it become lush and yield colorful blooms. The best fertilizer to help it do this is the Burpee Organic Blood Meal, which boasts an NPK ratio of 12-0-0.

The fertilizer contains purely nitrogen, an integral chlorophyll molecule that gives plants a deep green color. The fertilizer is from Burpee, one of the US leading manufacturing companies. 

You can use this blood meal to nourish your zucchini plants once they get their first true leaves or later when they develop vines.

Besides essential nutrients, it also boasts a healthy dose of microorganisms that help balance the soil and convert organic matter into more absorbable nutrients. We also can’t fail to mention that it comes with solid packaging that is waterproof and easy to use and store.

What We Like

  • Available in various sizes and formulas.
  • Rich in Nitrogen.
  • 100% organic.
  • Made by a reputable company.

What We Don’t

  • It takes longer for results to show.
  • Can have a strong smell.

Frequently Asked Questions

Is it beneficial to fertilize zucchini plants?

Since zucchini plants are heavy feeders, they need nourishment for them to grow faster and healthily. And since the soil doesn’t always have all the essential nutrients, fertilizers come in handy to help replenish it.

How often should I fertilize my zucchini plants?

The frequency of fertilizing your plants will depend on the fertilizer you’re using. For liquid fertilizers, you should use them every 1 to 2 weeks. On the other hand, you should apply continuous and slow-release fertilizers after 1 or 2 months, depending on the manufacturer’s recommendations.

Do I need fertilizers when I have already used compost?

Compost is a readily available and rich source of nutrients for your vegetables. However, since it’s applied long before planting, it can’t nourish the crops from sowing to harvesting. You’ll need to use fertilizers at some point if you want your plants to produce healthy and bountiful yields.

Can I over-fertilize my zucchini plants?

For excellent results, you must follow the feeding instructions provided by the manufacturer. While there is always leeway for error, it is always possible for gardeners to over-fertilize their plants. Overfertilization can have adverse effects, including yellowing the leaves, stunted growth, dropping, and fruit splitting.

Experts warn that it’s better to under-fertilize than overfertilize. The former will lead to the crops having deficiencies, but the latter can cause serious problems – even the death of your plants. However, if you follow the instructions on the package, it would be implausible to use excess fertilizer on your zucchini plants.

What nutrients do zucchini plants need?

Zucchini plants are fruit-forming vegetables just like tomatoes and pepper. Therefore, they feed on relatively similar nutrients, and that’s why you’ll find that most of the fertilizers on our list have the term “tomato” in their description.

Essential nutrients for zucchini plants are nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium, and micronutrients such as iron, manganese, calcium, and boron.

Final Thoughts

With the help of our comprehensive list of the best zucchini fertilizers in the market, we believe now you can order your preferred plant food and start growing your zucchini plants.

However, don’t forget to consider your soil composition, stage of growth, and form when selecting the right fertilizer for your Zucchini. Also, make sure you follow the application instructions on the package if you want your plants to reach their full potential.

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