20 Seeds You Can Direct Sow in Winter
Planting seeds in the winter allows you to get a jump on the growing season and avoid the work of transplanting. Join gardening expert Briana Yablonski as she shares 20 seeds you can direct sow in winter.

When it comes time to grow plants from seed, you have two main options: direct sow or start seedlings for transplant. Growers often start transplants during winter so plants can grow in a cozy, warm indoor environment while outdoor temperatures remain frigid. And while growing transplants provides healthy seedlings that are ready to head into the garden when the weather warms, it can be a lot of work!
If you’d like to skip the work of starting transplants but still want to get a jump on the spring growing season, consider direct sowing seeds in the winter. I’ll share more about this growing method and provide 20 types of seeds you can direct sow in winter.
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How to Direct Sow Seeds in Winter

While some types of winter sowing involve starting seeds outdoors in miniature greenhouses and later transplanting the seedlings, you can also sow seeds directly into your garden. This eliminates the need for transplanting, making it a great method for lazy or time-sucked gardeners.
As the name suggests, winter sowing involves planting cold-hardy seeds directly into the garden ground in the winter season. The seeds sit in the soil until conditions are ripe for germination. When you think about it, winter sowing mimics how plants drop seeds in the fall that will germinate the following spring.
You can technically winter sow any type of crop, even heat-loving ones like peppers and tomatoes. If you’ve ever let ripe peppers or tomatoes drop from your plants in summer, you know how the fallen seeds wait all winter, then send up seedlings the following spring. However, I recommend avoiding direct sowing warm-weather crops in winter since they won’t germinate until summer. Instead, opt for cold-tolerant plants like hardy greens and perennial flowers.
Once you’ve gathered appropriate seeds, plant them in their desired location, cover them with a bit of soil, and patiently wait until they emerge.
Challenges of Direct Sowing in Winter
Before you try your hand at direct sowing in winter, take note of a few of the common challenges growers face. The following items are the most common reasons why winter-sown seeds fail to grow into healthy crops.
Wet Soil

While seeds need moisture to germinate, too much water causes the seeds to rot. This is especially true if the soil is damp and cold since seeds require moisture and warmth to germinate.
While you can’t control the amount of rain and snow that falls from the sky, you can impact how quickly this precipitation drains through the soil. Soil texture and compaction both have a role in drainage. For example, water drains through sandy soil more quickly than soil that is high in clay. However, water percolates through well-aerated heavy clay soil more quickly than compacted heavy clay.
One way to improve drainage is to mix a few shovels of finished compost into the top six inches of soil. This increases the organic matter present in the soil and helps water flow into and through the ground.
Another way to improve drainage is to loosen the soil with a digging fork, broad fork, or shovel. No matter which tool you use, aim to crack the soil rather than invert it. To do this, insert the tines of the fork or the spade of the shovel all the way into the ground, then gently pull back until the soil cracks. Pull the tool out of the ground, then repeat the process about six inches away from the first crack.
Another option is to direct sow seeds into raised beds filled with a well-drained soil mix.

The same warm, damp conditions that cause flower and vegetable seeds to germinate also spur the germination of dreaded weed seeds. If your garden is filled with a large weed seed bank, the first warm spring days can cause hundreds or thousands of tiny weed seedlings to emerge. If you’re not careful, these weeds take over your direct sown seedlings.
One way to deal with weeds is to let them emerge and then remove them while they’re still small. Aim to kill them when they’re in the “white thread stage”, aka the point when their roots resemble small, white threads.
Another option is to prepare the soil prior to direct sowing. In fall, prep your ground like you’re planting new seeds, then place a plastic sheet over the area you wish to winter sow. The plastic will heat the ground, encourage any weed seeds to germinate and kill the resulting seedlings. When it’s time to direct sow, remove the plastic and plant your seeds.
One more option is to apply mulch around the areas where you planted seeds. This option works better for widely-spaced crops like broccoli, cabbage, and columbine rather than tightly-spaced crops like arugula.
Seeds to Direct Sow in Winter
Now that you’re familiar with some tips for direct sowing in the winter get started with any of the following 20 seeds.
1. Lettuce

botanical name Lactuca sativa |
sun requirements Full Sun |
height 6-16 inches tall |
hardiness zones All |
Whether you’d like to enjoy a bowl full of baby lettuces or a nice, crisp head of romaine, you can direct seed lettuce in winter. Space seeds for a baby lettuce mix an inch apart and use six to ten-inch spacing for full lettuce heads.
Since lettuce seeds germinate at cooler temperatures than many other vegetable seeds, you may see little lettuce seedlings emerge in late winter or early spring. Once they emerge, watch out for hungry slugs and snails that like to devour tender greens.
2. Spinach

botanical name Spinacia oleracea |
sun requirements Full Sun |
height 2-4 inches tall |
hardiness zones 2-11 |
One of the most cold-hardy greens, spinach is a great crop to direct sow during the winter. As long as the soil is well-draining, spinach seeds start germinating once the soil warms to 45°F (7°C). These spinach plants continue to grow throughout the spring until warm summer temperatures arrive.
Gardeners typically grow spinach in one of two ways: for baby greens or larger, mature leaves. If you want to grow tender baby spinach, plant seeds about an inch apart in a row and space rows six to eight inches apart. Larger, mature plants require wider spacing—I like to plant two or three seeds every six to eight inches, then thin each group to one seedling.
3. Peas

botanical name Pisum sativum |
sun requirements Full Sun |
height 12-60 inches tall |
hardiness zones 2-11 |
As lovers of cold weather, peas are a great crop to grow in late winter and early spring. Direct sowing the peas during winter allows them to emerge as soon as conditions are right. Since peas grow well with the support of a trellis, plant the seeds next to an arbor, fence, or other supporting structure.
Peas plants can handle light frost, so don’t worry if temperatures drop after the seeds germinate. But since the seeds are prone to rot, make sure you sow them in an area with excellent drainage.
4. Arugula

botanical name Eruca sativa |
sun requirements Full Sun |
height 4-8 inches tall |
hardiness zones 4-9 |
There’s nothing quite like a salad made from peppery arugula to brighten up an early spring day. And fortunately, arugula is a crop that works well when direct sown in wintertime. I typically grow baby arugula in rows, with four to six seeds per inch and three to four inches between each row. You can also sprinkle the tiny arugula seeds across an area to grow a dense carpet of flavorful green.
When it comes time to harvest arugula, grab a knife or pair of scissors and cut the leaves about an inch above where they form. This will leave the smallest leaves behind to continue growing. Arugula plants tend to fade after three or four cuttings, so plant another round of seeds for a late spring harvest.
5. Kale

botanical name Brassica oleracea (Acephala Group) |
sun requirements Full Sun |
height 18-24 inches tall |
hardiness zones 2-11 |
No matter what type of green you’re after, there’s a kale for you. ‘Dwarf Blue Curled’ kale is perfect for soup, ‘Lacinato Dinosaur’ kale is ready for salads, and tender baby ‘Red Russian’ kale is great for green smoothies. All of these varieties grow well when you direct sow them during the winter. Like most greens, you can either sow the seeds close together for baby greens or employ wider spacing for mature plants.
Since kale plants are brassicas, they require a high amount of nitrogen to thrive. I recommended applying a small amount of high-nitrogen fertilizer like blood meal to provide the seedlings with a boost, as well as a slow-release fertilizer like finished compost or feather meal.
Regardless of the type of organic fertilizer you choose, remember that microbes must transform the nutrients into a plant-available form before your kale can absorb them. Fortunately, the warm temperatures that cause kale seeds to germinate also encourage the microbes to get to work.
6. Carrots

botanical name Daucus carota |
sun requirements Full Sun |
height 10-16 inches tall |
hardiness zones 2-11 |
If you choose to direct sow carrot seeds in winter, choose an area with excellent soil drainage. This keeps the carrot seeds from rotting while they wait to germinate and allows them to produce long, thick roots. If you want to improve soil aeration and drainage, loosen it with a broad fork and/or mix in a few inches of finished compost. Just make sure you don’t provide too much nitrogen since this leads to healthy greens but spindly roots.
Since carrots are so slow to germinate and require moisture throughout the germination period, they’re especially well suited to winter sowing. Covering the area where you’ve planted your carrot seed with a layer of row cover or clear plastic can warm the soil, trap moisture, and help speed up germination. Once your carrot seedlings emerge, thin them so they’re one to two inches apart.
7. Beets

botanical name Beta vulgaris |
sun requirements Full Sun |
height 12-30 inches tall |
hardiness zones 2-11 |
When you’re sowing beet seeds, remember that sometimes each “seed” actually contains two to six seeds. Unless you grow monogerm seeds, this is the case. Since each of these produces more than one beet seedling, plan your spacing accordingly. I like to space three inches apart and then thin the seedlings as necessary. If you let the seedlings grow big enough, you can use the delicious greens of the discarded plants.
Red beets like ‘Early Wonder’ and ‘Detroit Dark Red’ might be the first on your list of options to grow, but don’t forget about vibrant golden beets like ‘Touchstone Gold’ as well as pink and white striped ‘Chioggia.’
No matter which variety of beets you opt to direct sow, remember that the greens can tolerate frost but not extreme cold. So, if you receive a late cold snap after the seeds have germinated, cover the tender seedlings with a layer of straw mulch or a piece of row cover.
8. Cauliflower

botanical name Brassica oleracea subsp. botrytis |
sun requirements Full Sun |
height 18-36 inches tall |
hardiness zones 2-11 |
Depending on where you live, cauliflower can make a great spring crop. Since it requires about three months of cool, long days to produce healthy heads, growers in colder climates have an easier time growing it in spring. If you live in a warmer climate, it’s better to transplant seedlings in fall and let them overwinter or wait until the fall to grow cauliflower.
If you choose to direct sow cauliflower seeds this winter, remember that these plants get big! I recommend laying some type of mulch on the ground and planting two to three cauliflower seeds every 18 to 24 inches.
Once the seedlings are about an inch tall, you can thin them so there’s only one plant per group. The plants will continue to grow and be ready to harvest in late spring or early summer in most areas.
9. Broccoli

botanical name Brassica oleracea subsp. italica |
sun requirements Full Sun |
height 18-36 inches |
hardiness zones 2-11 |
As a cool-weather crop, broccoli grows best in spring and fall. Direct sowing broccoli during winter gives the seeds a leg-up in spring, and allows them to germinate as soon as conditions are right.
The ideal spacing for direct seeding depends on the broccoli variety you’re growing. Plant traditional heading broccoli varieties like ‘Belstar’ and ‘Di Cicco’ 24 inches apart. You can plant sprouting broccoli seeds like ‘Burgundy’ at this 24-inch spacing or plant the seeds as close as 12 inches. Regardless of the spacing you choose, plant multiple seeds at each site and thin to one seedling once the seeds germinate.
10. Bok Choy

botanical name Brassica rapa subsp. chinensis |
sun requirements Full Sun |
height 12-14 inches tall |
hardiness zones 2-11 |
If you’re looking for an easy crop to direct sow this winter, bok choy is a star. These plants grow well at varied spacings, and if you space the seeds too close, you can thin out small seedlings and enjoy them as baby bok choy. And if the plants get away from you during a busy spring gardening season, chop and saute the bok choy or ferment them for kimchi.
I like to sprinkle a line of bok choy seeds in a row, with anywhere from two to six inches between individual plants. As with all winter-sown crops, make sure the area where you plant the seeds has excellent drainage. When seedlings emerge, keep an eye out for pests, including slugs, aphids, cabbage moths, and harlequin bugs.
11. Tatsoi

botanical name Brassica rapa subsp. narinosa |
sun requirements Full Sun |
height 6-10 inches tall |
hardiness zones 3-9 |
If you haven’t heard of tatsoi, think of it as a cousin of the more popular bok choy. It has a similar taste and growth habit but sports thinner stems and smaller leaves. Since it’s even more cold-tolerant than bok choy, it’s an excellent candidate for wintertime direct sowing.
When planting the seeds, you have two main options. The first one is to space them four to six inches apart in a row or square-foot gardening layout so the plants have enough room to mature into full-sized heads. Another option is to sprinkle seeds in a row with multiple seeds per inch. When the plants are three to four inches tall, cut the top half to use as baby greens and keep the bottom half so they keep growing.
12. Radishes

botanical name Raphanus sativus |
sun requirements Full Sun |
height 4-8 inches tall |
hardiness zones 2-11 |
You can direct seed all sorts of radishes in winter, from small red ‘Cherry Belle’ to larger ‘Miyashige White Daikon.’ The exact spacing of the seeds depends on the variety, but most radishes grow well, with one to two inches between each seed. I like to plant rows of radishes to keep things neat.
While radish seeds break up compacted soil, remember that poorly-draining soil causes the seeds to rot before they germinate. Ensure any extra moisture from rain or snow drains through or away from the soil surface!
13. Cilantro

botanical name Coriandrum sativum |
sun requirements Full Sun |
height 4-10 inches tall |
hardiness zones 2-11 |
While you may associate cilantro with summer dishes like pico de gallo and tacos, this herb thrives in cool weather. Sprinkle some cilantro seeds in your winter garden, cover them with soil, and by the time you forget about them, you’ll see little green seedlings poking up from the ground!
Cilantro is pretty versatile in terms of plant spacing. Plant a cluster of three to four seeds every six to eight inches, or sprinkle a row of seeds. Remember that cilantro continues to grow as long as you leave the smaller leaves. You may only need to plant a handful of seeds to end up with an adequate supply of this herb.
14. Dill

botanical name Anethum graveolens |
sun requirements Full Sun |
height 6-48 inches |
hardiness zones 2-11 |
A must-have herb to accompany new potatoes and create vibrant salad dressings, dill is a good candidate for direct sowing. The seeds require warmer temperatures to germinate, so planting the seeds in a cold frame or covering the seeds with a layer of row cover speeds up the germination process.
In spring, cut dill plants multiple times before they go to flower. However, the plants eventually grow upwards and produce beautiful yellow umbels perfect for jars of pickles. To have a continual supply of dill foliage, direct sow a new round of dill seeds every two to three weeks.
15. Columbine

botanical name Aquilegia spp. |
sun requirements Full Sun or Part Shade |
height 12-30 inches tall |
hardiness zones 3-9 |
As a native wildflower primed for direct sowing, columbine seeds are used to waiting out the cold winter outdoors and emerging in spring. Sprinkling the seeds in your garden in winter allows you to get a jump on spring during a slow time of the year.
Since columbine requires two to three feet of space to shine, you can either sow seeds at this wide spacing or opt for closer spacing and thin the seedlings. Any columbine is a good candidate for direct sowing, but I recommend choosing a species that’s native to your area since it will be well-adapted to the growing conditions.
16. Larkspur

botanical name Consolida spp. |
sun requirements Full Sun or Part Shade |
height 12-36 inches |
hardiness zones 2-11 |
A beautiful flower for mixed plantings and cutting gardens, larkspur also attracts bees, butterflies, hummingbirds, and other pollinators. Larkspur seeds struggle to germinate at temperatures above 55°F (13°C) and don’t transplant well. They do best when you direct sow them during winter. Sprinkle the tiny seeds on the ground, then cover them with a thin layer of compost or soil.
Keep an eye out for the seedlings once winter turns to spring, and thin the plants so they’re four to six inches apart. Although you can grow larkspur without support, I recommend using a trellis or piece of netting to help keep the plant’s tall flower stalks upright. Some larkspur varieties to check out include ‘Shades of Blue’ and ‘Galilee Blend.’
17. Rudbeckia

botanical name Rudbeckia spp. |
sun requirements Full Sun or Part Shade |
height 24-36 inches tall |
hardiness zones 3-9 |
The most famous member of the Rudbeckia genus is ‘Black-Eyed Susan,’ but you can find plenty of other stunning perennials within this genus. No matter which species and variety you select, you can try your hand at direct sowing in winter.
Since Rudbeckia works well with other perennial wildflowers, you can mix seeds together to create a wildflower blend, then sprinkle this mix in open areas. When warmer temperatures arrive, the seeds emerge, and the healthiest plants will grow into flowering plants. You can also direct sow Rudbeckia seeds 12-24 inches apart in perennial gardens.
18. Echinacea

botanical name Echinacea spp. |
sun requirements Full Sun or Part Shade |
height 36-48 inches tall |
hardiness zones 4-8 |
Also known as coneflower, Echinacea is a must-have in just about any type of garden. The hardy plants require little care, and the flowers attract critters ranging from bumblebees to finches to hoverflies.
To direct sow echinacea in winter, sprinkle the seeds in an open area, then cover them with a layer of compost or straw mulch. Many birds find the seeds delightful winter snacks, so protecting the seeds is essential.
19. Foxglove

botanical name Digitalis purpurea |
sun requirements Full Sun |
height 24-60 inches tall |
hardiness zones 4-9 |
If you’re looking for a flower to add some beautiful drama to your garden, put foxglove on your A-list. The plants send up tall flower spikes covered with bell-shaped blooms that work well for cutting. And since the plant self-sows readily, you can plant the seeds once and then enjoy new plants for years to come.
If you don’t see flowers the first year, don’t worry. Foxglove plants are biennials, meaning they produce foliage in their first year and flower the second year.
20. Sweet Pea

botanical name Lathyrus odoratus |
sun requirements Full Sun |
height 36-72 inches tall |
hardiness zones 2-10 |
Not only are sweet pea flowers elegant, but they also fill the air with an unmistakable sweet fragrance. And since these plants are cold-weather stars, they provide a dose of color in the garden when the majority of other flowers are still waiting to bloom.
Growing sweet peas is much like growing edible snap peas or snow peas. Direct sow so seeds are four to six inches apart in a row. Provide a trellis that the plants can wrap their tendrils around, and pinch the top of foot-tall plants to encourage the production of more flowers.
Final Thoughts
You don’t have to wait until warm temperatures arrive to plant seeds in your garden! Direct sow any of the above seeds in winter to get a jump start on your growing season.