Downy Mildew Control And Treatment
Learn how to identify and discover downy mildew symptoms on plants. Here's how to treat and prevent this damaging water mold once and for all!
Learn how to identify and discover downy mildew symptoms on plants. Here's how to treat and prevent this damaging water mold once and for all!
Botrytis cinerea goes by many names: grey mold, ash mold, or ghost spot. We explain treatment and management tips you can use on botrytis!
While hedges are tough, they are not immune to problems. From powdery mildew to bronze foliage and more, it's important to tackle problems as soon as they arise. Look out for these common hedge problems and learn how to treat and prevent them.
Wilting seedlings got your down? Luckily, there are many ways to prevent damping off disease from taking over. Kevin Espiritu explains the causes behind this common disease and how you can prevent it.