How to Plant, Grow and Care For Virginia Creeper
Are you looking for a fast-growing and attractive vine that requires very little maintenance and shows up wonderful fall foliage? Here, gardening expert Melissa Strauss discusses how to grow and care for Virginia Creeper.

Virginia Creeper is a woody vine native to North and Central America. It most commonly grows in woods, ravines, hillsides, thickets, and fencerows. It loves to climb, attaching to whatever structure it encounters with tiny tendrils.
However, it is just as happy to ramble along the ground. Some gardeners choose this plant for a fast-growing option to cover a wall. Other gardeners do all they can to eliminate it from their landscape, as it can get unruly if not regularly tended to.
Let’s take a deeper look at all you need to know about growing Virginia Creeper in your garden or landscape!
Virginia Creeper Plant Overview

Plant Type
Perennial Vine
Native Area
Eastern and Central United States
Full Sun to Full Shade
Clay, Loamy, Sandy
Hardiness Zones
Bloom Colors
Green and White
Honey Bees
Flea Beetles, Leafcutting Bees, Leafhoppers, Scale
Mildew, Wilt, Leaf Spot
Plant History

A very versatile and easy-to-grow vine, Virginia Creeper can grow in full sun, partial shade, and even in full shade. It is not picky about location, or much else for that matter, and loves to have a trellis or other structure to grow on.
If you are looking for a vine to cover a wall or disguise some element in the yard that you would prefer not to look at, a wall of this vine will quickly and efficiently do the job.

Virginia Creeper is the name for all species of deciduous vining plants in the genus Parthenocissus. Parthenocissus is derived from the Greek for “virgin ivy.”
The species name, quinquefolia, refers to the formation of the foliage, as the leaves appear in groups of five. These prolific vining plants are members of the Vitaceae family, commonly known as the Grape family.
As relatives of grapes, they behave similarly in terms of growth and their climbing nature, although they attach to structures with small fastening disks rather than the typical coiling tendrils of most grapevines.
There are many varieties of Virginia Creeper with slightly different characteristics, some of which display more vivid and colorful foliage either year-round or in the fall. All plants in the genera are native to North or Central America.

Like most plants in the Grape family, Virginia Creeper does flower, but the blooms are small and inconspicuous. Clusters of very small, greenish-white flowers appear in late spring to early summer.
The flowers precede fruit, which is small (¼”) and blue, and inedible. These berries contain large amounts of oxalic acid, which is toxic to humans and dogs.

As the species name quinquefolia implies, Virginia Creeper’s leaves appear in groups of five. Young vines sometimes start out with groupings of only three leaves and increase to five as they grow larger.
Some varieties have more colorful leaves than others, and in many cases, the new foliage appears as a reddish-bronze color and fades to green as it matures. The leaves are palmate, pointed, and have serrated edges.
Virginia Creeper is a rhizomatic plant that has the ability to spread prolifically underground. It can be difficult to control as a result, but there is typically no problem propagating this plant if you wish to do so.

Growing from seed is not the most common way to propagate Virginia Creeper. However, it can be quite successful. The seeds need cold stratification to germinate, so it’s best to direct sow seeds in the fall to sprout the following spring.
Alternatively, induce cold stratification by placing seeds in a bag with moist potting mix. Leave them in the refrigerator for about 8 weeks, then plant them in spring.

Propagation from cuttings is the most common method and is a quick and painless process. Roots will grow from stems that are in contact with soil, so it is easy to simply take a cutting from a portion of the vine that runs along the ground.
All that is necessary is to dig up a small portion of a rooted stem and pot it in a seedling container. Take rooted cuttings at any time of the year.
You can also propagate cuttings that haven’t yet formed roots. Take semi-ripe cuttings in the summer or hardwood cuttings in the fall while the plant is dormant.
Whichever way you choose, Virginia creeper roots quickly in moist soil. Fill a container with moist potting mix, dip the cut end of your cutting into rooting hormone, and bury it about 3” deep in the soil.

Virginia Creeper can be planted in spring or fall. In the buffer seasons, the roots establish easily while the soil is warm and moist. Summer tends to be too hot and dry, and in winter it goes dormant.
Space individual plants 5’-10’ apart. These plants are spread by rhizomes under the earth. Make sure you choose a space where you want to have them permanently, as they are difficult to eradicate once they are established.
How to Grow
Once it is established, this species pretty much grows itself. It requires little to no maintenance and grows very quickly.

Growing this plant in a container is a good way to control the spread, while also enjoying the extensive vining of Virginia Creeper.
Growing these plants in a raised bed with a trellis or arch would make a beautiful complement to the garden landscape and can create shade beneath for plants that prefer to stay out of the hot sun.
If you do choose to plant in a container, make sure it is a large one, as they like to spread. Remember that while this plant is incredibly low maintenance in the ground, it will require more work when kept in a container.

Parthenocissus is incredibly adaptable when it comes to sunlight. It will grow just fine in full sun or full shade, which is perfect for a shady garden. However, most varieties are prized for their fall color and the color is best expressed with a significant amount of sunlight.
In warmer climates, give this vine a bit of shade, especially in the afternoon. If you are growing this plant in a cooler climate, feel free to expose it to the sun throughout the day. That said, if you are looking for a hardy vine that will still be attractive when grown in full shade Virginia Creeper will do that, too.

These plants are not particular about soil. They are tolerant of acidic and alkaline soil. They also tolerate salt and pollution, so they can be grown in cities and coastal areas without complications.
Soil can be sandy, loamy, or clay-heavy, and they won’t be troubled. The only factor in soil that is truly important is drainage. This plant does not like to have soggy roots, but it does best in moist soil as opposed to dry.

During its first season, your plant will need regular watering. It does prefer moist soil in general, but once established, it is very drought tolerant. For the first season, water your plant deeply at least once per week.
Once established, this plant withstands long periods without watering, but the occasional watering during times of extended drought is welcomed.
Climate and Temperature

Virginia Creeper is very cold hardy, and the roots are able to survive temperatures of -10 for extended periods during their dormancy.
The only concern with cold weather would be an unexpected cold front in early spring, which can damage new foliage but is unlikely to cause real damage to the plant.
This plant is also very heat tolerant, thriving all the way south to Zone 10. In very hot weather, it will let you know that it needs watering by wilting and recover quickly upon watering. It prefers a moderate amount of humidity in its environment and will be more heat tolerant in humid climates.

The need for fertilizer is fairly low, as these plants are good at utilizing the nutrients available to them in the soil but grow quickly and can deplete the soil over time.
For an extra booth of early-season growth, you can give your plants a light application of an all-purpose fertilizer. A good organic compost will go a long way, as well, in providing the nutrients your plant needs.
Maintenance and Care

Because of how quickly this plant grows, it can be a bit of work to keep it under control. While it is considered low maintenance from a growing standpoint, it can be a bit of a handful when it comes to pruning.
If you wish to contain your plant, make a regular practice of cutting it back and pulling up unwanted runners that will produce new roots and contribute to the overall spread of the plant.
There are quite a few varieties that are surprisingly colorful and beautiful. Many varieties turn shades of red, orange, gold, and bronze in the winter.
‘Red Wall’

botanical name Parthenocissus quinquefolia ‘Trokil’ |
sun requirements Full Sun to Partial Shade |
height 30’ |
hardiness zones 3-9 |
One of the showiest varieties, ‘Red Wall’ lives up to its name. This fast-growing vine reaches about 30’ long.
It looks wonderful grown on a fence or wall because summer foliage is deep green and autumn foliage is gorgeous crimson red. The color shift is incredibly striking.
‘Star Showers’

botanical name Parthenocissus quinquefolia ‘Monham’ |
sun requirements Full Sun to Partial Shade |
height 20’-35’ |
hardiness zones 4-9 |
‘Star Showers’ is an eye-catching variety that is not quite as cold tolerant as others, but it does have truly beautiful foliage and a fast growth habit.
The leaves are creamy and pale yellow splashed with varying intensities of green, creating the appearance of having been splatter painted. In the fall, the leaves take on a pink cast before the plant goes dormant.

botanical name Parthenocissus quinquefolia ‘Variegata’ |
sun requirements Partial Shade |
height up to 50’ |
hardiness zones 4-11 |
Anything but ordinary, ‘Variegata’ is everything its name promises. It has excellent heat tolerance and is able to grow farther south than most varieties. This attractive cultivar is native to 38 of the 48 contiguous states, and vines can reach up to 50’ long.
The leaves are bright green with splashy, irregular, cream-colored blotches. It is a stunning plant, to say the least.
‘Yellow Wall’

botanical name Parthenocissus quinquefolia ‘Yellow Wall’ |
sun requirements Full Sun to Partial Shade |
height 20’-30’ |
hardiness zones 3-10 |
Similarly to ‘Red Wall,’ this variety starts out with green leaves and does a complete 180° in the fall. The only difference, instead of crimson, this variety turns a bold, golden yellow.
If you want to add fall color to your home and garden, I highly recommend this spectacular cultivar. It also has great cold and heat tolerance.
Pests and Diseases
Sadly, this vine is not impervious to pests and diseases. Although it is unlikely to die off in the face of a few insects, some issues can arise which will leave your plant looking less than its best.
Flea Beetles

Flea Beetles, and more specifically, Grape Flea Beetles, can be a problem. As a member of the grape family, it tends to be vulnerable to the same pests.
These insects overwinter in the yard, and at the first sign of buds, they go after your vines. Once the buds reach ½” long, the risk of injury is significantly decreased, but they can stunt the growth of an otherwise healthy plant.
Spraying your vines at the time of bud swell is really the only effective treatment and may not be worth the release of pesticides in the garden. The plant will recover; it just might not branch as well in that year. There is only one generation per year.
Leafcutting Bees

Leafcutting bees are native bees close to the same size as honeybees. Rather than creating wax comb as their abode, they create nests and line them with leaves.
They won’t cause an extreme amount of damage to your vine, but they may leave a section of leaves looking torn up.
These insects are valuable pollinators and cause more good than harm. They are messy pollen collectors, so they have an excellent pollination rate. If you’re a gardener, these are insects that you want to keep around.

Virginia Creeper has its own leafhopper, which goes by the same name. The Virginia Creeper Leafhopper lays its eggs on the plant, and the nymphs and adults feed on the contents of leaf cells.
They also leave behind excrement, which creates a breeding ground for sooty mold. These guys have several natural predators, but if you choose to treat them, wait until late summer to knock out all generations going into winter.

Scale are tiny, armored insects that suck the sweet sap out of plants and leave messy excrement behind. They are easily detected as they stay rather still and look like tiny brown blobs on the stems and leaves of your plant. These can be eradicated with insecticidal soaps.

Powdery mildew is a common fungal infection that crops up in many gardens. The culprit is typically too much moisture in the air and not enough air circulation.
The spores need moisture for germination, so damp, shaded areas are the most vulnerable. Remove the affected foliage and use copper fungicide or a combination.

Wilt disease involves pathogens that move through the vascular system of the plant. This disrupts the flow of water and causes the leaves to wilt.
There is no effective treatment for this disease, and it can spread. The best solution is to remove and dispose of the plant away from other plants that could be affected.
Leaf Spot

Leaf spot disease is most often caused by waterborne bacteria or fungi. They typically move from one surface to another in water droplets and splashes, and in small amounts, they don’t cause too many issues.
However, they can cause severe discoloration and death of foliage in large amounts. The best treatment is to remove and dispose of affected foliage immediately. Treating with neem oil will prevent some fungal infections from spreading.
Final Thoughts
Virginia Creeper has a reputation for being a bit aggressive, and if left to its own devices, it can cover quite a bit of distance in a short period of time. However, harnessing the growth and vigor of this plant results in quite a spectacular display of attractive foliage. With some tending and maintenance, a wall of this native vine can be a remarkably stunning addition to the landscape.