How to Plant, Grow, and Care for Syngonium (Arrowhead Vine)
Bring the tropics to your home with this fun and low-maintenance houseplant. In this article, organic farmer Jenna Rich tells us about the dos and don’ts of planting, growing, and caring for arrowhead vines.

Arrowhead vines are a favorite among indoor gardeners for their quick-growing vines, beautiful foliage, and low-maintenance attitude. While they can be grown outdoors in zones 10 through 12, they are typically grown indoors under bright and indirect light. Houseplant enthusiasts love the color and variegation options among the different varieties.
If you want to add this pretty heart-shaped vine to your collection, here is everything you need to know about growing this lovely houseplant.
Arrowhead Plant Overview

Botanical Name
Syngonium podophyllum
Plant Type
Tropical evergreen vine, ornamental houseplant
Special Characteristics
Heart or arrowhead-shaped leaves, long vines.
Native Area
Rainforests of Central and South America
Indirect and bright, will tolerate low light
3-6 feet long vines
Watering Requirements
Soil Type
Fungus gnats, mealybugs, aphids, scale, spider mites
Root rot, powdery mildew, leaf spot
Easy to moderate
Hardiness Zones
Bloom Time
What is Arrowhead Vine?

Syngonium podophyllum, also called arrowhead vine or arrowhead philodendron, is an evergreen climbing vine that originated in the tropics. It is closely related to philodendron, pothos, and caladium. The beautiful trailing growth and heart or arrowhead-shaped foliage is highly aesthetic, adding a jungle-chic vibe to houseplant collections.
Due to its particular environmental requirements, it’s most often grown as a houseplant. It can become invasive when grown outdoors in tropical regions of the U.S. While some sources claim arrowhead plants can help purify the air in your home and decrease toxins, research is ongoing and it’s best not to rely on this plant as your only air purifier.

The arrowhead vine plant is named for (you guessed it!) the shape of its leaves that resemble a spade or arrowhead. Leaves start out lighter green or silvery and transition to a darkened arrow shape with maturity. There are about 30 species in the Syngonium genus, differing in overall length, leaf color, and variegation.
The plant is quick growing, easy to grow in ideal conditions, and has a climbing or trailing growth habit. It’s often classified under the genus Nephthytis, but Nephthytis is endemic to Africa, while Syngonium comes from South America.
Native Area

Arrowhead vine plants are native to the rainforests of Central and South America, from Mexico to Bolivia, where they can wind up tree trunks and hang from forest canopies with dappled sunlight. This natural undergrowth habit provides lots of clues to how you can best care for this houseplant.
How to Grow
Planting arrowhead vines is easy, even for beginners. With proper attention and care, Syngonium plants are fairly easy to grow and maintain.

Syngonium plants require bright, indirect light and can tolerate low-light conditions. Colors will fade or become discolored if the plant receives too much direct sunlight. Contrasting variegation will become stronger and more intense the more bright light it receives. Place it away from windows and doors that receive harsh, direct sunlight.

Use room temperature water or collected rainwater to irrigate this tropical vine. Ensure it is growing in a pot with a drainage hole and catchment tray for water to flow through. Here are the two best ways to water arrowhead vines:
- Water from above: When the soil is about 50% dry, add water until it begins to drain out through the holes in the bottom of the container. Standing water may cause root rot or other fungal diseases, so discard any that drains out.
- Bottom water: Fill the saucer the pot sits in so the potting soil and plant roots can suck it up from the bottom. Wait 10 or so minutes and confirm the water has moistened the soil from above. If you don’t see or feel any moisture, add a bit more water and repeat the process. Remove any water from the saucer when watering is complete.
Note: Bottom watering does not flush out salts and other leftover minerals so overhead watering should be done now and then.
- Water bath: Lower the whole potted plant into a bucket of room temperature water, stopping at the stem line. Remove the plant when the bubbling of water stops. Let the pot drain excess water, then return it to its saucer. Discard any standing water in the saucer after about an hour of drainage.
Water about once per week and less in the winter. Do not allow the soil or roots to completely dry out before watering.

The soil should remain moist, but never soggy. The top inch or so can be left to dry out before watering. These vines prefer pH levels between 6.1 and 6.9.
Temperature and Humidity

Syngonium is the Goldilocks of houseplants, requiring the perfect conditions to thrive. Humidity must be over 60%, but they’d prefer it to be closer to 90%. Keep a mister or humidifier nearby to help with this.
It can tolerate temperatures between 54-96°F (12-36°C), but the ideal and recommended temperature is between 65-85°F (18-29°C). It’s important to keep the temperature as consistent as possible because sudden influxes or drops in the temperature may cause stress. Keep your plant away from any drafty windows or doors.

This plant appreciates monthly feedings of an all-purpose indoor houseplant fertilizer. If you’re growing your plant in water alone, add liquid fertilizer when you refill the container every few months to refresh its supply of nutrients.

Arrowhead plants are pretty low-maintenance as long as light and humidity levels are in the ideal range. It prefers consistency without drastic changes.

Arrowroot vines don’t mind pruning. In the spring or summer, snip off long, leggy stems. Pinch or tip-prune other stems to encourage bushiness. Remove any yellowing, browning, or dried-up leaves. Propagate some of the cuttings in water or soil if you choose.
Pro tip: Wear gloves to protect yourself from any potential skin irritation.

These tropical plants are adored for their vines, and not known for their flowers because Syngonium does not typically flower as a houseplant. In the wild, groups of tiny light green to lime-colored flowers form in their axils on a spike. The spike is surrounded by a white spathe that looks like a cup.
Propagating new arrowhead vine plants is easy and is most commonly done with cuttings or root divisions. Take cuttings or divisions in spring or summer to expand your collection or gift to friends.

If you have lots of houseplants, sharing them with friends and family can be a fun hobby. Moreover, it’s an opportunity to make the most of a plant haircut when the length of vines is getting out of control. Here are a few ways you can create new, free plants without much effort.
- Using clean, sharp shears, cut a stem below a node, making sure the new stem has at least one leaf intact.
- You can grow your Syngonium hydroponically indefinitely, and they’ll perform well.
- Add liquid fertilizer occasionally when refilling your pot with fresh water so it continues to thrive.
- Place the new stem into fresh water and wait for it to set roots.
- Place them in a warm place with bright, indirect sunlight.
You can grow your Syngonium hydroponically indefinitely, and they’ll perform well. Add liquid fertilizer occasionally when refilling your pot with fresh water so it continues to thrive.
Alternatively, place the new stem directly into a pot of fresh, moist soil, and it will set roots there as well. The new stem should set roots in eight to ten weeks. New cuttings can be repotted as needed with growth or gifted to friends.
Pro tip: Place a plastic bag over the new cuttings to increase humidity levels and encourage new growth.

At the time of repotting, you can divide your plant by gently separating the roots, ensuring each section has healthy roots, a stem, and leaves. Repot the sections in a soil-filled container and treat them as you would a new young plant. Place under bright, indirect light, and away from cold drafts.

When you purchase a plant from a store or an online supplier or receive a cutting from a friend, pot it up in a new pot with fresh soil. Provide proper lighting and humidity. Fertilize it lightly after it has gotten settled into its new environment.
Repot your plant every few years in a slightly larger container and with fresh, moistened potting soil. This hits the reset button for both the roots and above-ground growth. Water it well.
Growing from Seed

Arrowhead plants will bloom and form seed-producing pods in nature. If you’re up for a challenge, sow the seeds shallowly in a well-drained potting mix and keep consistently moist in a warm, bright area. While seeds can be purchased online, the best way to propagate new plants is from cuttings or division.
Popular Varieties
There are over 30 species of Syngonium with lots of different color and pattern variations. Most varieties are grown in a similar way, but lighter-hued plants may require more light because they have less chlorophyll.

‘Pixie’ is an adorable dwarf variety that remains compact but offers all the beauty of the full-size versions. It is perfect for small living spaces. Growth usually aims upward, filling out small pots at six to eight inches tall.
‘Pixie’ leaves are a stunning contrast of creamy white variegation with emerald edges, which are more intense in bright but indirect light. Use artificial light if needed to supplement during cloudy periods.

The artistically splotchy ‘Tricolour’ variety is interesting and eye-catching. It’s sure to be a conversation starter. The medium green and chalky pink become more contrasted with proper lighting and humidity. Train baby plants to grow upwards by positioning a sturdy stick in the pot.
‘White Butterfly’

This variety has gorgeously pastel green leaves with dark green mottling and edges, slightly resembling a butterfly. Its presence exudes calmness and a feeling of peacefulness. Many strong, centralized stems grow erect, providing a full appearance in a pot. Be sure this plant has bright, indirect light.
‘Pink Allusion’

You’ll never get bored with this variety. Her leaves may be bold, chalky pink, pink with green veins, or even spotted. Plant ‘Pink Allusion’ in a hanging basket in a corner and allow her to trail down or in a ceramic pot and watch her vine up and around your home.
Common Problems
There are some issues to look out for with Syngonium plants. Most issues can be avoided by providing ideal humidity, light, and watering conditions.
Stunted Growth

If you notice your arrowhead vine plant is not growing, it’s likely due to insufficient lighting and imbalanced humidity levels. They are pickier than their Aroid cousins like pothos and philodendrons. Syngoniums need it it just right: bright but indirect light and 60%+ humidity. They’re tropical plants, after all.
Growth slows down in the winter months so if the plant otherwise looks healthy, just wait until spring and reassess.
No Growth

If your plant isn’t growing at all, it may need repotting or fertilizer. Remove your plant from its pot and check that the roots aren’t rootbound. If they are, step it up into the next size pot. If nothing looks amiss, the plant may need nutrients.
Browning Leaves or Tips

Underwatering, low humidity, or general stress can cause browning. If the leaves continue to brown and start shriveling or dropping, consider adding perlite to the soil to help with water retention.
To increase humidity, add a humidifier nearby or mist your plant regularly. Ensure there are no environmental stressors causing temperatures to fluctuate like a drafty window nearby.

Syngonium plants contain calcium oxalate crystals which are mildly toxic to humans and animals. Chewing the leaves may cause tingling in the mouth, lips, throat, and tongue while ingesting it may cause gastric distress. Avoid eating this houseplant and keep it away from pets!

Overwatering causes most of the issues that tropical houseplant growers face, including root rot, powdery mildew, fungal leaf spots, wilting, discoloration of leaves, and fungus gnats. To avoid it, always check soil moisture before irrigating. The soil should feel like a wrung-out sponge and should never be soggy. Be sure to plant arrowhead vines in a well-drained mix with lots of perlite or coco coir.

While overwatering is problematic, too little water may also cause yellowing. Check the soil moisture levels. If it’s 50-70% dry, it’s time to water.
Indoor houseplant pests can be a total pain, but they’re manageable. Early scouting and prevention are key.
Fungus Gnats

While fungus gnats don’t usually do a lot of damage to indoor plants, their presence is annoying. If you have them, it usually indicates overwatering because they’re attracted to the wet soil smell. Mix peroxide and water in a 1:4 ratio and pour it over your plant’s soil to kill larvae. Neem oil can also be diluted and sprayed on the plant to deter the adult gnats. Another great way to remove larvae from feeding in the soil is to change it out for fresh media.

These small, white bugs are indoor houseplant nuisances. Mealybugs are difficult to treat due to their powdery wax coating that repels water-based treatments and their ability to hide. Check for remnants of their “powdery residue” as proof you have them. If you confirm their presence, isolate the plant so they don’t spread.
To treat: Kill adults by pressing them with a cotton ball soaked in rubbing alcohol. Then, mix rubbing alcohol and water 1:1, add the mixture to a mister, and spray every surface of the plant. Rinse the entire plant after 5-10 minutes. Retreat again in two weeks when more eggs may have hatched. Prevent these guys with neem oil. Repot your plant if the infestation is particularly bad.

Aphids are attracted to young, juicy new growth. Rinse your plant to remove aphids and prevent them with neem oil.

Follow the same mealybug-killing method to combat scale. Use a cotton ball soaked in rubbing alcohol.
Spider Mites

If you see speckling marks on leaves and silks on your plant, you may have spider mites. Neem oil and insecticidal soap should prevent these pests, and a good dunk under water should rid your plant of them. Regularly wipe down the leaves and stems of the plant to remove any that remain.
There are just a few diseases to look out for in Syngonium plants. Leaf spots are common in plants that live in improper conditions. Remove the damaged leaves as they crop up, and then look out for the following issues.
Root Rot

Refrain from overwatering your plant. If you notice soft or browning spots on the stem, you may need to pull back on watering. If the plant is too far gone, it will perish from rotten roots and lack of oxygen.
Powdery Mildew

If you notice brown leaf spots or crispy brown edges of leaves, there may be a soil fungus. Reduce watering and isolate the plant. Treat powdery mildew with horticultural oils and pruning for better airflow between leaves. Remove any powdery leaves and monitor for more infection. Avoid watering the plant from above so the leaves remain dry.
Final Thoughts
While arrowhead plants are particular about their water, light, and humidity needs, they make low-maintenance and lovely houseplants. They’re easy to divide up for friends, tolerate pruning very well, and grow fairly quickly. With regular TLC, they’ll live on for years and years.