Which Succulents Are Safe for Pets? (And 7 Plants to Avoid)
In this article, houseplant expert Madison Moulton shares which succulents are safe to have around your pets and which to avoid.

If you’re worried about keeping tropical houseplants around your pets, succulents are a great alternative.
Many species are non-toxic to cats and dogs and come with a long list of other benefits, especially in their ease of care. There are a few toxic species to watch out for and avoid if they’re within reach of any furry friends, but most are completely safe.
I do recommend keeping plants out of reach of pets anyway (even if they are safe), as you don’t want to clean up any soil spills or see bite marks on your precious plants. But keeping these pet-safe succulents means you won’t need to worry about any sudden trips to the vet.
Succulents Safe For Pets
Most of the popular succulent groups are considered safe for pets. You don’t want any accidental chew marks for aesthetic reasons, but you won’t have to rush to the vet if you spot any.

Echeverias are the quintessential succulent, featuring plump leaves, tight rosettes, and a range of stunning colors. As they don’t tolerate cold well, they are often grown indoors for protection, where they can get up close and personal with all your furry friends.
Luckily, these plants are considered non-toxic to pets and safe to keep around your home. This won’t stop prying paws from knocking pots over, though, so I recommend keeping them out of reach anyway.

Sempervivums have a similar structure to echeverias but with far more leaves packed tightly together and sticking low to the soil. They are commonly known as hens and chicks after the tiny offsets that pop up right next to the main plant.
Sempervivums are safe to keep around your pets indoors. You will need a sunny windowsill with plenty of direct sun if you want them to maintain their shape and strong growth.

You’ll probably recognize the species Haworthiopsis fasciata by its incredibly descriptive common name, zebra plant. This popular succulent is commonly grown indoors thanks to its tolerance of lower light and gorgeous striped leaves.
The only ‘danger’ this plant poses to your pets is the pointed leaves, as the plant itself is considered non-toxic. They’re also a great pet-safe replacement for toxic aloes as they have a similar shape and growth habit, just with a smaller size.

There are hundreds of different sedum species to choose from, with lush succulent leaves and bright flowers. One of the most popular for indoor growth is Sedum morganianum, commonly known as burro’s tail.
This species, and all other sedums, are non-toxic to pets. Many are safe for human consumption in small amounts and are said to have a bitter or peppery flavor. Always be sure of species ID and check with an expert before consuming.

Aeoniums are ideal succulents for those needing a pop of color indoors. Whether you go for the goth garden staple ‘Zwartkop’ or a striped cultivar like ‘Pink Witch,’ these succulents never disappoint. And there is no need to worry about keeping them in your home as they are safe for pets, too.
If you want to bring out the best of their color, sunlight is essential. Choose a south-facing window with plenty of direct sun for the brightest possible hues.

Lithops are commonly known as living stones for their plump and rounded leaves that remain mostly underground. These unique plants are one of the most low-maintenance succulents you can find, accustomed to surviving harsh environments and needing very little attention to thrive.
Lithops are non-toxic to cats and dogs. In fact, they are so small and inconspicuous that your pets probably won’t notice them anyway.
Christmas Cactus

Christmas cactus is a holiday staple well-known for its early winter flowering time, brightening our homes with blooms around the festive season. These succulents also make wonderful houseplants when not in flower for the rest of the year, with succulent leaves cascading down the sides of containers.
Both the leaves and sought-after flowers of Christmas cactus are non-toxic to pets, making them worry-free living décor over December.

Graptopetalums are commonly known as ghost plants, often sporting a ghostly pale purple or blue hue in the leaves. These succulents also form compact rosettes that match well with Echeveria and Sempervivum in containers.
All graptopetalum species are safe to keep around pets in your home. They will become leggy in low light, so ensure you keep them in front of a sunny window and away from areas where they may get knocked over.

Portulacaria is also known as elephant bush or elephant’s food, giving an indication of their non-toxicity. These shrubby succulents can tolerate lower light than some others and produce plenty of branches dotted with adorable leaves.
Portulacaria is not only non-toxic to pets but also non-toxic to humans. I have a large Portulacaria afra bush in my garden and often pop the leaves onto salads or in smoothies for their nutritional benefits.

Gasteria are less common than the previous entries on this list, ideal for avid succulent collectors looking for something more unique. The species with paddle-shaped succulent leaves are a personal favorite, like the adorable Gasteria glomerata commonly known as ox tongue.
Gasteria are non-toxic to pets but can invite some unwanted nibbling. If you have a rarer species that’s tough to find, make sure you keep it away from your pets to prevent any accidents.
Toxic Plants To Avoid
While most succulents are safe to keep around pets, there are a few that are better avoided.

Aloe vera is often kept as a houseplant, known for its medicinal benefits and use in beauty products. Unfortunately, the spikes aren’t the only issue you’ll have keeping this plant around your pets.
Aloe vera is considered toxic to pets, containing anthraquinone glycosides that can result in vomiting and diarrhea or more serious symptoms. The toxicity is considered mild to moderate, but it’s best to stay on the safe side and keep these plants away.

Kalanchoe are appreciated for their tolerance of lower light and their ability to flower prolifically indoors. Bright blooms of red, orange, pink, and yellow appear throughout the year in the right conditions, adding a pop of color to your home.
Kalanchoe blossfeldiana and other common species are not pet-safe succulents, resulting in gastrointestinal irritation if ingested. Larger amounts can have a greater negative impact, but severe symptoms are rare.

Plants in the Senecio genus are commonly known as string succulents, including adorable names like string of bananas and string of dolphins. However, as cute as these trailing plants are, it’s important to keep them out of reach of curious paws.
Ingestion of Senecio species can lead to stomach upset and lethargy in cats and dogs. One of the easiest ways to keep them out of harm’s way is to hang your string succulents in baskets and trim the vines once they start to get too long.

There are hundreds of species in the Crassula genus, but none is more popular among houseplant lovers than Crassula ovata. Commonly known as jade plant, this succulent is resilient and tolerant of a range of different conditions, making it ideal for beginners.
As popular as the jade plant is, it’s best to keep away from pets, particularly dogs. Ingestion can lead to gastrointestinal symptoms and lethargy.

Agave plants are typically larger succulents planted in beds rather than kept in containers. But if you do have a smaller species you’re growing indoors, it should be well out of reach of your pets.
These plants contain calcium oxalate crystals that cause irritation when ingested. If you notice your pets pawing at their face or having difficulty swallowing, check your agaves for chew marks. Keep them out of reach by placing them on a higher shelf, or choose a pet-safe alternative instead.

Sansevieria (now part of the Dracaena genus) is the go-to houseplant for beginners, so tough it is often considered almost impossible to kill. They are commonly known as snake plants or mother-in-law’s tongue for the pointed and elongated leaves.
Snake plants contain saponins that cause mild to moderate symptoms when ingested, including nausea, vomiting, and diarrhea. Use these tips to keep your pets away, or opt for a safer alternative instead.

Euphorbia is not the most common succulent genus grown indoors. However, there are a few species, like Euphorbia trigona or Euphorbia milii that you may have considered adding to your collection. Poinsettias are also part of this genus, with the scientific name Euphorbia pulcherrima.
These plants contain a milky sap that is toxic to pets when ingested. Several species also have spikes that can lead to irritation. Keep these plants well out of reach to avoid interaction.
Final Thoughts
If you’re looking to fill your home with pet-safe plants, succulents are a great option. There are so many wonderful species to choose from, but make sure you avoid the few toxic species.