The 13 Best Grass Types for Your Lawn
Are you overwhelmed with the large selection of grass seeds when you walk into your garden center? Choosing the right type of grass for your lawn can be tricky. In this article, gardening expert Jill Drago will break down 13 types of grass for your lawn and help you decide which might be best for you.

Growing the perfect lawn can be a tricky business! There is much to consider, such as where you live, how you plan on using your grass, and how much sunlight it will get.
One of the number one reasons homeowners have difficulty growing a successful lawn is because they are just choosing the wrong species for their space. More often than not, it is beneficial to plant a seed mix. These mixes typically have a few types of seeds within them. If you prefer a non-traditional lawn, check out our list of low-maintenance alternatives.
In this article, I will list 13 of the best grass types for your lawn. You will also find maintenance tips and other helpful tidbits to make growing your best lawn easier.
Bermuda Grass

botanical name Cynodon dactylon |
sun requirements Full sun |
height 4-12 inches |
hardiness zones 5-10 |
Bermuda grass is a low-maintenance type of turf. This is a great variety to grow if you live in the Southern part of the United States. If you are very active on your lawn and do not want to spend all your free time maintaining it, this is a good option for you.
Bermuda grass is a warm-season species, which means it tolerates summer heat and humidity but is not hardy in cold winter temperatures. It spreads via rhizomes and stolons, making it an aggressive grower. It is listed as a noxious weed in Utah and Arkansas. This can be tricky to maintain and keep in control.
Seed or overseed with Bermuda grass in late spring or early summer when your soil temperatures are about 65 to 70 degrees. When mowing, keep it at a length of 1 to 1 ½ inches. Aerating and dethatching are essential with this turf type. Because it’s an aggressive grower, it will create a large amount of thatch, which should be removed for the best results.
Buffalo Grass

common name Bouteloua dactyloides |
sun requirements Full sun |
height 4-8 inches |
hardiness zones 4-8 |
Buffalo grass may not be the first type that comes to mind, but it has a purpose in some lawns. This variety is heat-loving and low maintenance, requiring little water or fertilizer. It is native to North America and grows nicely without mowing.
Buffalo grass is a warm-season grass that will turn brown and dormant in the wintertime. The blades will be greyish-green during the spring and summer months. If you wish to grow buffalo grass, it is best done by sod rather than seed, as it is tricky to establish.
The downside is that it does not tolerate high traffic. But if you have an area you don’t use much, buffalo grass could be the perfect option. If you require erosion control, you can also plant it for that purpose.
Chewings Fescue

botanical name Festuca rubra ssp. commutata |
sun requirements Full sun to shade |
height 12-24 inches |
hardiness zones Zone 3-7 |
Earning its reputation as a low-maintenance grass, chewings fescue has become a very popular addition to low-maintenance and shade-loving seed mixes.
Chewings fescue is a fine fescue with nice narrow blades that grow in clumps or bunches. This makes it slow to spread, but it will establish itself nicely over time.
When mowing your chewings fescue, aim for a height of two to four inches. Because chewings fescue is drought tolerant, you do not need to worry too much about irrigating. If you are seeking a lush green lawn, by all means, fertilize on a nice tight schedule. Chewings fescue does not require fertilizer to grow happily in your yard.
Creeping Bentgrass

botanical name Agrostis stolonifera |
sun requirements Full sun to partial shade |
height 2-7 inches |
hardiness zones 3-6 |
If you want your lawn to look like a golf course, creeping bentgrass is your turf! Now, don’t get too excited. This is a very high-maintenance lawn and should only be attempted by experienced lawn growers with lots of extra time on their hands.
Creeping bentgrass is a cool-season grass. Spreading by stolons, it is an aggressive grower known to make its way into flower beds.
This type can tolerate a low mowing height if you seek a carpet-style lawn. It’s high maintenance, requiring a lot of water and fertilizer. Keep your creeping bentgrass to about one inch high. Otherwise, it loses its carpet-like luster.
Creeping Red Fescue

botanical name Festuca rubra |
sun requirements Full sun to partial shade |
height 6-12 inches |
hardiness zones 1-7 |
Creeping red fescue is commonly found in seed blends due to its golf course appearance and its shade tolerance.
Creeping red fescue spreads via rhizomes and will create a nice uniform surface without spreading too aggressively. Even though it’s tolerant of occasional drought, it does not like extended periods of heat.
As you will notice, like most fescues, creeping red fescue is very low maintenance. Tolerant of heat, drought, and shade, this variety could not be simpler to care for. To help keep weeds at bay, mow your creeping red fescue lawn from 2-4 inches in height.
Hard Fescue

botanical name Festuca ovina |
sun requirements Full sun to partial shade |
height 1-2 feet |
hardiness zones 4-8 |
Hard fescue is a fine fescue. This type is excellent for shady lawns but also performs very nicely in sunny yards. If you live in a coastal region, hard fescue will work nicely due to its salt tolerance.
Fine fescues are different from tall fescues in appearance. They have finer, softer leaves than the hard fescues, making them a good choice for lawn growers who desire that soft, uniform lawn.
This is a great grass type if you are not into lawn maintenance. Hard fescue is heat and drought-tolerant. It also does not require much fertilizer. Mow your tall fescue lawns at 3-4 inches high. This may be a bit longer than you are used to, but it will look healthy with minimal effort.
Kentucky Bluegrass

botanical name Poa pratensis |
sun requirements Full sun to partial shade |
height 4 inches to 3 feet |
hardiness zones 3-7 |
Kentucky bluegrass is among the most popular types homeowners select for their lawns. It is soft to walk on and great for playing. KBG is cold hardy, making it a great choice for Northern regions.
Kentucky bluegrass creates a very lovely uniform lawn. KBG spreads into sod by rhizomes, making it resilient to damage. It’s slower to germinate than other cool-season grasses, but the deep emerald, nearly blue blades are worth the wait.
If you plant KBG, be ready to fertilize! There are many options for lawn fertilizer. Select what is best for you, your conditions, and your lawn use needs. Mow the lawn to a 2 to 2 ½ inch height for best results.
Perennial Ryegrass

botanical name Lolium perenne |
sun requirements Full sun to partial shade |
height 2-6 inches |
hardiness zones 5-7 |
Perennial ryegrass is sort of the band-aid to all of your lawn needs. It is heat and cold-tolerant, germinates quickly, and keeps turf green. This turf type is excellent if you are outside a lot. It holds up very well to a lot of foot traffic.
You may have encountered annual ryegrass, which is excellent for quickly greening up your lawn. The perennial version does the same thing but will return year after year. This is an excellent type for those in the Pacific Northwest.
Perennial ryegrass is a clump-former that spreads by rhizomes. This can make your lawn look a bit on the patchy side, but it blends nicely with other grasses. It’s a bit high maintenance and requires a lot of water and a good fertilization schedule. Keep it mowed to about 1 or 1 ½ inches.
Seashore Paspalum

botanical name Paspalum vaginatum |
sun requirements Full sun to partial shade |
height Up to 20 inches |
hardiness zones 8-11 |
Seashore paspalum is a low-growing turf that is excellent for warm climates. Grow this grass in an area that gets full sun or dappled shade. Too much shade can cause it to become leggy and ultimately fail.
This type has greenish-blue leaf blades. Seashore paspalum is spread by underground rhizomes, quickly establishing itself in your yard.
Seashore paspalum is tolerant of wet soils but can also tolerate some drought. It is helpful to water seashore paspalum after you mow your lawn to give the plants a hand at recovering. Use an all-purpose lawn fertilizer twice a year on seashore paspalum.
St. Augustine Grass

botanical name Stenotaphrum secundatum |
sun requirements Full sun to partial shade |
height 6-12 inches |
hardiness zones 7-12 |
St. Augustine grass might be the best choice for a lawn if you live in the south in a coastal region. It’s often called buffalo grass but is actually a different variety.
St. Augustine grass is salt-tolerant. The blades of this grass are coarse when compared to other warm-season grasses. However, the upside to this grass is that it is easier to control its spreading than it is with other warm-season grasses.
The perfect mowing height for St. Augustine grass is between two and four inches. Fertilize your St. Augustine lawn every 6-8 weeks with your choice of lawn fertilizer.
Tall Fescue

botanical name Festuca arundinacea |
sun requirements Full sun to partial shade |
height 4-12 inches |
hardiness zones 3-8 |
If you have a shady yard, you know it can be tricky to maintain a turf-type lawn. Fescues are the most tolerant of shade out of any turf.
Tall fescue is a clump-forming grass sometimes called “bunch grass.” This grass will produce rhizomes, but it spreads a bit differently. Tall fescue produces tillers, upright shoots that grow from the existing plant crown with a clumping growth habit.
Another benefit to growing tall fescue is that it does not require a lot of fertilization to maintain its appearance. Tall fescue should be overseeded in the spring or fall to maintain an attractive-looking lawn.
White Clover

botanical name Trifolium repens |
sun requirements Full sun to partial shade |
height 2-6 inches |
hardiness zones 3-10 |
White clover is not technically a type of grass, but it is gaining popularity as a lawn replacement, and for good reason. Not only does clover attract bees and pollinators, but it also works with microorganisms to fix nitrogen and grows very nicely in many different lawns.
Clover produces deep green mats of foliage and white or purple flowers. If you have kids, you will want to think hard about planting white clover due to the amount of bees it can attract. However, you can mow it regularly to prevent flowering. Microclover is another option because it grows nicely and stays more compact.
White clover is native to Europe but has naturalized throughout the United States since colonial times. It does not require much maintenance. It does not need any fertilizer but grows best in moist soil. Mow your white clover just as you would mow the rest of your lawn. Most likely, the mower will remove only the flowers and leave behind the lush foliage.
Zoysia Grass

botanical name Zoysia spp. |
sun requirements Full sun |
height 4-6 inches tall |
hardiness zones 5-10 |
Zoysia grass is well-loved in southern climates because it is tough and stands up well against heat, foot traffic, and drought. Zoysia grass is a great choice if you live in a transitional zone where you experience very warm weather and freezing winter temperatures. This grass is tolerant of heat and cold, making it perfect for your grass seed mix.
Zoysia is a warm-season grass. It spreads both by rhizomes and stolons and can get quite aggressive. These seeds are best sown in late spring or early summer. The narrow leaves of zoysia grass are bright green and have pointed tips. As with other warm-season grasses, zoysia grass will turn straw brown in the winter.
Aside from maintaining the spreading of your zoysia grass, your lawn will be very low maintenance, requiring little water or fertilizer. Zoysia grass should be mowed to 1 or 1 ½ inches high.
Final Thoughts
These 13 grass types are common and easy to find at your local garden center. When you have decided which grass you think might be best for your yard, head out to the store and look for a grass blend with a few seed types that you know will work well for your area and the type of lawn you wish to grow.
Get ready to water these little grass babies until they are a few inches tall, at which point you can begin to mow! Patience is key when perfecting your lawn. If turf isn’t worth the hassle, consider naturally low-growing ground covers. Either way, give yourself some grace. Your perfect lawn is right around the corner!