31 Perennial Flowering Vines That Love To Climb
Thinking of planting some perennial flowering vines but aren't sure what to pick? Finding the right vines for your garden can be a challenge, with there being so many to pick from. In this article, we look at our favorite perennial flowering vines and climbers for your garden space.

One of the most intricate skills for a gardener to master is adding climbing vines to their landscape. While there are many popular flowering vines, deciding where to plant a perennial vine requires a little more thought since they will grow in your garden for years to come. Once you choose the perfect spot, you can train vines to grow on trellises, up trees, or even dangling as a potted plant.
Adding stunning perennial flowering vines to your landscaping gives your outdoor areas more texture and color. You can easily add them to eyesores in your garden to transform them into visual interests. There are perennial flowering vines that can grow in just about any USDA Hardiness Zone, so you can enjoy them no matter where you live.
You can use vines to cover pergolas or arbors, climb up unsightly walls, or even as “spiller” plants for hanging baskets. With some vines, it can take a few seasons to get established. Be patient with them; their stunning flowers are worth the wait. Here are our favorite perennial flowering vines to add to your garden.
American Bittersweet

Scientific Name: Celastrus scandens
- Plant Type: Perennial flowering vine
- Geographic Origin: Central and Eastern North America
- Plant Size: 15 to 20 feet
- Sun Exposure: Full Sun
- Plant Zone: 3 to 8 (USDA)
American Bittersweet is famous for its ornamental berries in autumn, and many decorators use its autumn berries in fall arrangements. Though it does okay with some shade, American Bittersweet will produce more fruits and flowers when planted in sunny areas. It’s a pretty easy vine to take care of, making it a great addition to a beginner garden.
It is important to note that American Bittersweet is toxic to dogs, and humans who eat it may experience an upset stomach and diarrhea.
Black-Eyed Susan Vine

Scientific Name: Thunbergia alata
- Plant Type: Perennial flowering vine
- Geographic Origin: Eastern Africa
- Plant Size: 3–8 feet tall, 3–6 feet wide
- Sun Exposure: Full sun to part shade
- Plant Zone: 10 to 11 (USDA)
Black-Eyed Susan Vines are famous for hanging baskets that you can find in garden centers. Not only are these bright flowers pretty to look at, but they’re easy to care for and grow rapidly. At first glance, you may mistake them as daisies with their solid-colored petals and dark center.
This vine grows best in tropical climates. Black-Eyed Susan is considered invasive in many areas, such as Hawaii. Before you decide to plant this vine, make sure it is not invasive in your region.
Bleeding Heart Vine

Scientific Name: Dicentra Scandens
- Plant Type: Herbaceous, perennial
- Geographic Origin: Asia
- Plant Size: 6 in.-3 ft. tall, and 1-3 ft. wide
- Sun Exposure: Part shade to full shade
- Plant Zone: 6 to 9 (USDA)
The aptly-named Bleeding Heart Vine got its name from its heart-shaped flowers. This particular vine is the climbing version of the well known bleeding heart. This plant grows at a medium pace and will reach its mature size in about two months. If the Bleeding Heart Vine receives too much sunlight during the summer, it may disappear until the spring. This plant’s vibrant yellow perennial flowers will make sure to draw plenty of attention in your garden.
Blue Moon Kentucky Wisteria

Scientific Name: Wisteria macrostachya
- Plant Type: Perennial flowering vine
- Geographic Origin: North America
- Plant Size: 15-20 feet long
- Sun Exposure: Full Sun
- Plant Zone: 4-8 (USDA)
Kentucky Wisteria features showy flowers with shades ranging from light to dark lavender depending on its season. The flowers drape in stunning chains that are sure to be the focal point of your landscaping. This beautiful vine can easily cover structures like a pergola to add more shade to your outdoor areas.
You can expect its pretty blooms in late spring, though it may take a couple of seasons to show flowers. Kentucky Wisteria is a hardy plant that can withstand temperature drops and survive year-round.
Cape Honeysuckle

Scientific Name: Tecoma capensis
- Plant Type: Perennial evergreen flowering vine or shrub
- Geographic Origin: South Africa
- Plant Size: 25-30 ft. long
- Sun Exposure: Full, partial
- Plant Zone: 9-11 (USDA); may survive in zone 8 with protection
Cape Honeysuckle grows in warmer climates and can be over 30 feet long. This plant may grow up to two feet after successfully planting in the spring in its first year. Its flowers have a trumpet shape of apricot, orange, yellow, or red. This plant is relatively easy to grow, working great for beginner gardeners. Hummingbirds, butterflies, and other pollinators love Cape Honeysuckle.
Water it weekly if you plant your Cape Honeysuckle in a full-sun area. For shady areas, Cape Honeysuckle will only need monthly watering. After its first year of regular watering, the Cape Honeysuckle’s roots should be able to withstand periods of drought.
Chocolate Vine

Scientific Name: Akebia quinata
- Plant Type: Perennial flowering vine
- Geographic Origin: Asia, North America
- Plant Size: 15–30 ft. tall, 1–2 ft. wide
- Sun Exposure: Full sun, partial shade
- Plant Zone: 4–8, (USDA)
As the name suggests, Chocolate Vine will add a soft chocolate scent to your garden. It is rare for hardy perennials to smell like chocolate, so they make a unique addition to your garden. This quick-growing vine has dark green and oval-shaped that grow in five sets. The flowers have three petals that bloom in the spring months, and it fruits in late summer. Although the Chocolate Vine is edible, it is not very tasty.
Give your Chocolate Vine weekly watering until established. Once established, you should only need to water your Chocolate Vine during periods of drought. While these vines can tolerate sun, they do best in partial shade, or planted in shade gardens.
Climbing Hydrangea

Scientific Name: Hydrangea anomala petiolaris
- Plant Type: Perennial flowering vine
- Geographic Origin: Asia
- Plant Size: 30 to 50 ft. tall, 5 to 6 ft. wide
- Sun Exposure: Full sun to part shade
- Plant Zone: 4–8 (USDA)
Climbing hydrangeas have all the elegance of a traditional bush but with a trailing vine that adds visual interest to your fence or wall. This climbing vine’s branches have holdfasts, allowing it to stick to structures and climb without a trellis.
Its fragrant flowers bloom throughout the summer. These slow growers may take up to five years before flowering but can reach more than 50 feet once established. Hydrangeas are toxic to pets (including horses), so plant them where animals can’t get to them. Climbing hydrangeas do well in the shade, but can tolerate full sun depending on the hardiness zone.
Climbing Roses

Scientific Name: Rosa
- Plant Type: Perennial or annual
- Geographic Origin: Asia
- Plant Size: 3 to 20 feet tall and up to 6 feet wide depending on the variety
- Sun Exposure: Full sun
- Plant Zone: 4-11 (USDA
Unfortunately, getting magazine-worthy climbing roses can be a little tricky. While growing without many blooms is perfectly healthy, it may not have the look you’re going for. However, you can train climbing roses using a trellis to produce more flowers. Unlike other climbing plants, these vines do not contain tendrils that twine around supports.
Climbing Roses grow best with consistent watering in the first year until roots are established. They prefer morning watering at its base. Don’t overwater this vine, as they are susceptible to fungal diseases.
Confederate Jasmine

Scientific Name: Trachelospermum jasminoides
- Plant Type: Perennial flowering vine
- Geographic Origin: Asia
- Plant Size: 3–6 ft. tall, 3–6 ft. wide
- Sun Exposure: Full sun, partial shade
- Plant Zone: 8–10 (USDA)
Confederate Jasmine, also known as star jasmine, is a popular vine in warmer areas of the United States. Confederate jasmine is a fragrant vine attracts pollinators, such as bees, to your garden.
Plant Confederate Jasmine in the spring and expect fast growth within the first year. Once established, most of the development will take place in the roots. You may choose to grow Confederate Jasmine vertically as a ground cover. Once established, you only need to water if you notice that this soil is dry.
Cup and Saucer Vine

Scientific Name: Cobaea scandens
- Plant Type: Perennial or annual vine
- Geographic Origin: Mexico
- Plant Size: 10–20 ft. long, 3–6 ft. wide
- Sun Exposure: Full Sun
- Plant Zone: 9–11 (USDA)
Cup and Saucer Vines are climbers that have thin leaves and cup-shaped flowers. This fast-growing vine can reach up to 40 feet when it grows in its natural environment.
To grow, start the seeds inside during winter, then move the seedlings outside in the spring. While it takes some time to bloom, the Cup and Saucer foliage will rapidly cover areas, such as a fence. The flowers begin as light green until they mature into purple or white flowers with a floral fragrance.

Scientific Name: Dipladenia
- Plant Type: Perennial flowering vine
- Geographic Origin: South America
- Plant Size: 10 ft tall and 3 ft wide
- Sun Exposure: Full-Sun
- Plant Zone: Perennial in zones 10 to 11 (USDA); grown as an annual elsewhere
Dipaladenia plants are warm-weathered perennials that grow quickly and produce plenty of flowers throughout the entire season. This flowering vine looks similar to its relative, Mandevilla, which many may confuse it with. Dipaldenias have more of a shrubby appearance than Mandevillas. However, you can plant both types the same way and can use them similarly.
Dipaladenia plants require plenty of water as young plants. After it’s established, you only need to water it every week and a half.
Golden Trumpet

Scientific Name: Allamanda cathartica
- Plant Type: Perennial flowering vine
- Geographic Origin: Tropical areas of America
- Plant Size: Up to15 feet tall
- Sun Exposure: Full sun
- Plant Zone: 10-11 (USDA)
Golden trumpets are popular vines that mainly grow in tropical locations. Their gorgeous, fragrant, and golden-yellow flowers boom primarily in the summer or fall. Although it is frost-tender, you can grow it in cooler climates as a summer annual or inside a greenhouse. It’s hard to grow Golden Trumpets as houseplants because of their humidity requirements. Because it lacks tendrils, you will need to train it to grow up a support structure.
Hardy Kiwi Vine

Scientific Name: Actinidia arguta, Actinidia kolomikta
- Plant Type: Perennial fruiting vine
- Geographic Origin: China, East Asia
- Plant Size: 10 to 30 feet long
- Sun Exposure: Full sun to part shade
- Plant Zone: 3 to 9 (USDA), varies by variety
Hardy Kiwi is in the same vine family that produces its familiar cousin, kiwifruit (Actinidia deliciosa). Unlike Actinidia deliciosa, Actinidia arguta is much more tolerant to colder weather, and you can grow it in zones as low as 3, depending on the variety.
Hardy Kiwi produces fruit, unlike the kiwi you’re familiar with. The sweet edible fruit is about the size of a grape, and you can eat it whole. Its eye-catching heart-shaped foliage adds visual effect in its first season but doesn’t produce fruit for at least three years.
Jackman’s Clematis

Scientific Name: Clematis x jackmanii
- Plant Type: Deciduous, perennial flowering vine
- Geographic Origin: Nursery-created hybrid (parent species are native to China)
- Plant Size: 7 to 10 feet (occasionally more)
- Sun Exposure: Full sun, partial shade
- Plant Zone: 4–8, (USDA)
Jackman’s clematis is an incredibly popular flowering vine. This hybrid plant produces 5-inch blooms with purple or pink petals. It doesn’t grow too big, but you can easily cover up eyesores or add a visual element to a small space.
You can train this beautiful vine to grow up just about any verticle structure, whether it is a wall, fence, or a small tree. Be sure not to let the soil get dry during periods of active growth.
Japanese Honeysuckle

Scientific Name: Lonicera japonica
- Plant Type: Perennial flowering vine
- Geographic Origin: Eastern Asia, including China, Japan, and Korea
- Plant Size: 15 to 30 ft. long, 3 to 6 ft. spread
- Sun Exposure: Full sun to part shade
- Plant Zone: 5-8 (USDA)
Japanese Honeysuckle is famous for its fragrant flowers bloom from the beginning of the summer into autumn. This vine grows best when planted in a shady area in dry soil. Its fragrant flowers attract pollinators and hummingbirds during its blooming season. The white flowers gradually fade to yellow or may even have both colors simultaneously. Japanese Honeysuckle is mildly poisonous to humans and pets.
Madagascar Periwinkle

Scientific Name: Annual vinca
- Plant Type: Perennial flowering vine (can also grow as annual)
- Geographic Origin: Madagascar
- Plant Size: 6-18 in. tall, similar spread
- Sun Exposure: Full Sun to partial shade
- Plant Zone: 9-11 (USDA)
Despite its scientific name, Madagascar Periwinkle is a perennial when grown in tropical climates, though it is commonly grown annually in other regions. It features dark green foliage and five-petaled blooms in pink, rose, and lilac shades.
Annual vinca makes the perfect vine for a sunny spot in your landscape. All varieties of Madagascar Periwinkle are rabbit-resistant and attract butterflies. The entire plant is toxic to humans, cats, and dogs, so make sure you choose the location carefully.

Scientific Name: Ipomoea alba
- Plant Type: Perennial flowering vines
- Geographic Origin: Tropical Americas
- Plant Size: 20 feet long
- Sun Exposure: Full
- Plant Zone: 10–12 (USDA)
Moonflower is a fragrant perennial vine with heart-shaped, dark-green leaves and trumpet-shaped flowers. Its blooms unfurl from cone-shaped buds at night or on cloudy days and stay open all night.
This fast-growing vine can grow up to 20 feet long if grown in the right conditions. Seeds require plenty of watering while germinating, but one or two deep waterings weekly are usually plenty once established. It is mildly toxic to pets and humans, so be careful where you plant it.
Morning Glory

Scientific Name: Ipomoea purpurea
- Plant Type: Perennial in warmer, tropical climates; annuals in areas that get below 45 degrees Fahrenheit
- Geographic Origin: Mexico, Central America
- Plant Size: 6–10 ft. tall, 3–6 ft. wide
- Sun Exposure: Full sun
- Plant Zone: 2–11 (USDA)
Morning Glory is a common flowering vine amongst newer gardeners. These fast-growing vines are in the same family as sweet potatoes, though you won’t want to eat this type. Morning glories have bright trumpet-shaped flowers that hummingbirds and butterflies will flock to. Their buds close up at night and open when the sun rises the following day, hence their name.
This variety will need plenty of regular water, around one inch weekly. Add mulch around the roots to help them retain moisture. Once established, it doesn’t require as much watering. Be careful when planting, as this vine grows quickly and can take over an area if it’s not controlled. The good news is there are many different types of morning glory, meaning you’ll have your choice of different colored flowering vines.
Nugget Hop

Scientific Name: Humulus lupulus “nugget”
- Plant Type: Perennial flowering and fruiting vine
- Geographic Origin: Europe, western Asia, and North America
- Plant Size: 20 feet long
- Sun Exposure: Full sun
- Plant Zone: 4 – 9 (USDA)
Nugget Hop is a vigorous perennial vine that quickly grows. The cone-shaped hops bloom in summer, which some use to produce beer. During mid-summer to mid-fall, you can expect clusters of yellow fruit paired with bright green foliage.
This vine is more on the high-maintenance side and requires regular care. Nugget Hop makes an attractive choice for landscaping and works well as a spiller plant. If you choose to grow Nugget Hop in a container, it may require more water than in the garden.
Ornamental Sweet Potato Vine

Scientific Name: Ipomoea batatas
- Plant Type: Herbaceous perennial
- Geographic Origin: Tropical regions of the Americas
- Plant Size: 8–10 ft. long, 5–12 in. wide
- Sun Exposure: Full sun
- Plant Zone: 9–11 (USDA)
Ornamental Sweet Potato Vines are popular plants to add to hanging baskets because they can adapt to different light levels. Though they are cultivars of the same species as sweet potatoes, these are not edible.
Ornamental Sweet Potato Vines are rapidly-growing plants that grow best when planted in spring. Its long tendrils allow it to climb structures or tumble over the edges of planters. You can find this vine in various leaf shapes and colors, including near-black and chartreuse.

Scientific Name: Bougainvillea glabra
- Plant Type: Perennial flowering vine or shrub
- Geographic Origin: eastern South America, found from Brazil, west to Peru, and south to southern Argentina
- Plant Size: up to 40 feet long
- Sun Exposure: Full sun to partial shade
- Plant Zone: 9 to 11 (USDA)
This perennial vine features bright flowers that may be pink, purple, white, orange, red, or yellow. Paperflower vines can grow 40 feet long, and you can train them to grow around support structures or into a shrub. Bougainvillea does contain thorns, so be careful when handling them. Paperflower grows best in warm climates and needs to be brought inside during cold winter months. Plant in rich, well-drained soil.

Scientific Name: Vinca minor
- Plant Type: Evergreen perennial
- Geographic Origin: Europe
- Plant Size: 3-6 in. tall with trailing vines up to 18 in. long
- Sun Exposure: Full sun or partial shade
- Plant Zone: 4-9 (USDA)
Periwinkle is a popular garden vine due to its low-maintenance nature and resistance to pests. It is also known for its creeping habit, making it an excellent option for covering the ground. Periwinkle may produce blue, lavender, purple, or white flowers.
Usually, Periwinkle will boom in the spring but may bloom in the summer, as well, though the display will be less impressive during a summer bloom. Although you should typically plant Periwinkle in early spring, this hardy plant can tolerate an autumn planting. Periwinkle is toxic to pets, so be mindful when planting it. Vinca performs best as a perennial in zones 4-9, but can survive even in zone 3 with the right conditions.
Purple Passionflower

Scientific Name: Passiflora incarnata
- Plant Type: Herbaceous vine, Perennial
- Geographic Origin: North America
- Plant Size: Up to 20 feet tall
- Sun Exposure: Full sun, Partial shade
- Plant Zone: 7-11, (USDA)
Purple Passionflower is an evergreen perennial that grows rapidly. Although it has a tropical appearance, it is more rigid than you’d think. In fact, it is the hardiest of all passionflower vines. This unique flower attracts butterflies, bees, and other pollinators. Their orange-yellow edible fruits, called Maypops, due to their sound if you step on them, were cultivated by Indigenous Americans. Purple Passionflower’s fruits provide a nutrient-rich food source for wildlife.

Scientific Name: Mandevilla spp.
- Plant Type: Perennial flowering vine
- Geographic Origin: North America, Central America, South America
- Plant Size: 3–10 ft. tall, 3–4 ft. wide
- Sun Exposure: Full sun, partial shade
- Plant Zone: 10–11 (USDA)
This showy vine has an attractive fragrance that will fill your garden. Rocktrumpet features pink, red, and white five-petal flowers paired with glossy green foliage. In some cases, the flowers may be yellow.
Typically, Rocktrumpet blooms in the summer but can bloom the entire year in warmer areas. Some species may have a more abundant blooming season, while others will have fewer, large blooms. Plant Rocktrumpet in mid-to-late spring once the risk of frost has passed, and they should grow rapidly.
Snail Vine

Scientific Name: Cochliasanthus caracalla
- Plant Type: Tender perennial vine
- Geographic Origin: Central and South America
- Plant Size: 15 to 20 feet long
- Sun Exposure: Partial to full sun
- Plant Zone: 9 to 11 (USDA)
The Snail Vine is an attractive tender perennial that has dainty flowers with colors ranging from light pink to lavender. Their curly petals resemble a snail, hence its name. Though the flowers are small, their scent is mighty, with most describing it as a cross between wisteria and hyacinth.
Phaseolus giganteus – sometimes referred to as snail vine or shell vine – is a similar plant to it. Though they look alike, Phaseolus giganteus doesn’t have fragrant flowers like the Cochliasanthus carcalla.
Snapdragon Vine

Scientific Name: Maurandya scandens or Asrina scandens
- Plant Type: Perennial flowering vine
- Geographic Origin: Mexico and Central America
- Plant Size: 6–9 ft. long, 3–6 ft. wide
- Sun Exposure: Full sun, partial shade
- Plant Zone: 9–10 (USDA)
The Snapdragon Vine (Maurandya scandens) is not related to the garden plant, Common Snapdragon (Antirrhinum majus), though they do have a similar appearance. You may also hear Snapdragon Vine called by other names, including Creeping Snapdragon, Trailing Snapdragon, or Vining Snapdragon.
Hummingbirds and other pollinators love the fragrant trumpet-shaped flowers. The vine has a dainty appearance but is more secure than it looks. The Snapdragon vine has gorgeous blooms of lavender, pink, blue, and white. Even though this vine starts its growth slowed from the seed, once sprouted, it can cover a trellis within four months.
Spurred Butterfly Pea

Scientific Name: Centrosema virginianum
- Plant Type: Perennial
- Geographic Origin: Tropical Asia
- Plant Size: Grows up to 5-6 ft. tall
- Sun Exposure: Full sun to minimal shade
- Plant Zone: 8–10 (USDA)
Spurred Butterfly Pea is a perennial climbing vine found in sandhills, coastal strands, interdunal swales, and Pine Flatwoods. It usually bears flowers in summer but can bloom year-round in humid South Florida.
Not only do butterflies love the Spurred Butterfly Pea vine, but its flowers are shaped like butterflies. Bees are the top pollinator of this plant, and their unique shape allows them to pollinate with ease. Its flowers can be purple, pink, blue, or pale to appear white. It has no tendrils, so you need to use a supportive structure.
Sweet Autumn Clematis

Scientific Name: Clematis terniflora
- Plant Type: Perennial flowering vine
- Geographic Origin: Japan
- Plant Size: 15 to 30 ft. long
- Sun Exposure: Full sun to partial shade
- Plant Zone: 5-9 (USDA)
Sweet Autumn Clematis is a variety of the Clematis plant that bears small, white flowers. As the name suggests, Sweet Autumn Clematis blooms in early autumn and can grow up to 30 feet long. If you choose to cover a fence or wall, the dainty white flowers give the appearance of fleece across the structures. Fuzzy seed heads will replace dead flower heads, which are also nice-looking.
Sweet Autumn Clematis grows rapidly and is considered to be an invasive plant in many parts of eastern United States. All parts of this vine are toxic to humans and pets, so choose its location carefully.
Tangerine Beauty

Scientific Name: Bignonia capreolata
- Plant Type: Semi-evergreen perennial flowering vine
- Geographic Origin: North America
- Plant Size: Up to 30 feet long
- Sun Exposure: Full sun
- Plant Zone: 6-9 (USDA)
Aptly named, the Tangerine Beauty vine bears beautiful tangerine-colored blooms throughout its long season. This vine has tendrils, so it self-clings to just about any surface in your landscape. You can use this stunning vine to blanket eyesores with gorgeous, bright green foliage. This highly adaptable vine can tolerate a lot of shade and poor soil. It requires regular, weekly watering or more during periods of extreme heat.
Trumpet Vine

Scientific Name: Campsis radicans
- Plant Type: Perennial flowering vine
- Geographic Origin: North America
- Plant Size: 25–40 ft. long, 5–10 ft. wide
- Sun Exposure: Full, partial
- Plant Zone: 4–9 (USDA)
Trumpet Vine is a showy plant that features glossy dark green foliage and bright red-orange flowers. These vibrant flowers are attractive to hummingbirds due to their tubular shape.
It is important to note that this fast-growing vine can spread rapidly. Because it is a self-seed plant, new plants may pop up yards away from the initial plant and can be hazardous to other plants in your garden. At maturity, Trumpet Vine can grow up to 40 feet long.
The President Clematis

Scientific Name: Clematis’ The President’
- Plant Type: Deciduous, perennial flowering vine
- Geographic Origin: North America, Central America, Europe, Asia
- Plant Size: 8-10 ft. tall
- Sun Exposure: Full to partial sun
- Plant Zone: 4-8 (USDA)
Last but not least, we have the stunning “The President” Clematis. This fast-growing vine is famous for its eye-catching appearance and ability to grow up various structures. As with other varieties, The President Clematis is an easy-to-grow vine, making it suitable for gardeners of all skill levels.
This vine’s purple flowers bloom in late spring to early summer and late summer to early fall. You will want to plant The President Clematis in a sunny area in well-drained soil. This medium-sized vine is toxic to humans and pets, so be mindful of its placement.
Final Thoughts
When choosing to add a perennial flowering vine to your garden, carefully choosing placement is crucial as they will come back year after year. Once you select the right location, you can train your vines to grow up in just about any structure in your backyard or garden.
With so many varieties to choose from, you can find a vine that can bloom in your region and give you the desired look you’re going for. Ornamental Sweet Potato Vine is a perfect spiller plant for hanging baskets. If you want something to cover a pergola, you can’t go wrong with Summer Cascade Wisteria.