Hoya Varieties: 51 Different Types of Hoyas You’ll Love
Thinking of planting a hoya plant but aren't sure which one to pick? There are many different types of hoya varieties, so it can be tough to pick one that suits your home. You could always pick more than one, or use this guide to help narrow your search. In this article, we take a look at our favorite hoya cultivars with names and pictures of each!

Southeast Asia is an incredibly beautiful, tropical region filled with amazing biodiversity. So if you are looking to bring fragrance, color, and life to your home and garden, look no further than the Hoya Cultivars, which come right from the Asian tropics. While hoyas may not be quite as popular as philodendron cultivars, or many pothos varieties, their popularity has surged over the last several years.
Despite being native to such humid climates, some of these plants are best suited to thrive in cool temperatures. When you put a hoya plant in your home, you get to enjoy its enticing fragrance and gorgeous leaves, which are often a deep green.
Many of these plants have distinctive flowering blooms as well, so the touch of color can bring your garden or home to life. While there are over 200 species of these plants, we will look at 51 that could become a fantastic addition to your garden.
Hoya Affinis

Scientific name: Hoya affinis
These native Solomon Island plants carry a strong fragrance with fuzzy leaves and red flowers. You may also hear the name Red Wax plant due to its stunning red blooms.
The ideal temperature range is 65 to 80 degrees F with filtered direct sunlight. Make sure to provide regular hydration, but be careful because overwatering is a common mistake that destroys the plant.
Place it in moist and well-draining soil. If you want these for your garden, USDA hardiness zone 10 is best.
Hoya Albiflora

Scientific name: Hoya albiflora
Hoya Albiflora is climbing plant can reach eight feet high. This hoya grows quickly, producing large, white flowers. The plant originates from Southeast Asia and needs full sun to partial shade.
Keep the temperature above 57 degrees F, and feed it during the growing season with a fertilizer. Proper fertilization will produce more of the flat star-shaped flowers that add a gorgeous touch to your outdoor space.
Hoya Archboldiana

Scientific name: Hoya archboldiana
This Indonesian plant has thick, strong leaves with pointy edges, and the blossoms are pink with a purplish center. It gets its name from the famous explorer and aviator Richard Archbold.
Plant these in areas with good sunlight and high humidity. Keep it in a snug pot with good drainage, and make sure to apply regular hydration during the growth schedule. In the fall and winter, this plant is super easy to care for since you only need to water bi-weekly.
The ideal temperature is between 60 – 95 degrees F.
Hoya Australis (Blue Hoya)

Scientific name: Hoya australis
As the name implies, this plant comes from Australia. It has gained popularity for its fragrant white flowers. It has an upright growth habit since it is a climbing vine, and it’s best to find an expansive space for it since it can reach 32 feet long.
Butterflies also love these plants as much as people do, so you may spot some stunning butterflies in your garden with the hoya australis. Look out for the lovely white flowers to grow in clusters any time of the year.
Even though these plants can grow to some impressive heights, you can keep them inside as long as you don’t overwater or over-fertilize them.
Hoya Bella

Scientific name: Hoya lanceolata bella
If you are still learning how to manage your green thumb, the Hoya Bella may work for you. This plant comes from Myanmar and surprisingly thrives in cool temperatures. It is a slow-growing and low-maintenance plant. Just make sure you never let its soil dry out and give it some shade. Never place this plant in direct sunlight.
This plant is a subspecies of the Hoya Lanceplata and it grows on the surface of another plant. In their natural habitat, you will see these growing in trees out in nature. To keep them at home, you can use a simple indoor potting mix and general fertilizer to feed this plant.
Hoya Biblobata

Scientific name: Hoya biblobata
This plant is popular but difficult to grow. It is native to the Philippines and is a flowering evergreen. The trailing vines of this plant can reach as long as 2 feet. The leaves of the Biblobata are a distinctive light green color and oval shape, and the foliage is also smooth with a leathery touch.
As many as 25 dark red flowers bloom in a compact cluster. Like other Hoya flowers, they are star-shaped along with an alluring smell of honey. You can watch and smell these blooms all year long.
These plants like bright, indirect light and a temperature range of 60 to 86 F. Grow them outside in USDA zones 8-11. Make sure you let the soil get dry before watering and keep the plant in 60% humidity.
Hoya Bicalcarata (Cape Honeysuckle)

Scientific name: Hoya bicalcarata
This plant originated near the Cape of Good Hope in South Africa – hence the “cape” in the name. The trumpet-shaped flowers of this plant truly stand out due to their intense orange color, drawing in hummingbirds. Luckily, these plants are not high maintenance.
The flowering shrub is evergreen and prefers full sun but partial shade is acceptable. It thrives in USDA hardiness Zones 9-11. You can actually grow this as a scrub or a vine, and both alkaline and acidic soil work fine for plant growth. Fertilizer is not a requirement, so use it in moderation.
Hoya Burtoniae

Scientific name: Hoya burtoniae
The hoya burtoniae is another epiphytic plant native to the Philippines with leaves that steal the spotlight. Its leaves stand out due to their fuzzy texture and purplish-red color on the edges. For best showcasing of the vining leaves, place them in a hanging basket.
The leaves can grow up to 6.5 feet indoors and thrive in high humidity. Once the growing season is over, you can fertilize it monthly. Make sure you allow the soil to dry before watering again.
Hoya Carnosa Compacta (Hindu Rope Plant)

Scientific name: Hoya carnosa ‘Compacta’
The extensive trailing vines of the plant have earned the name “Hindu Rope Plant.” The best way to showcase these long-limbed plants is in hanging pots. If you take care of these plants, you will be able to showcase them for decades. Just provide them with good moisture and bright light, and you should be set!
You should keep these in a small pot because the roots should be tightly packed. High humidity and temperatures of 60 – 70 F are best for these plants. Save regular watering for the growth phase and fertilizer for spring and summer.
Hoya Carnosa (Wax Hoya)

Scientific name: Hoya carnosa
This extremely fast-growing vine produces white flowers in clusters. It looks similar to hoya australis except for its varnish, which is yellow instead of blue. Again, the hoya carnosa is easy to cultivate and perfect for beginners.
Hoya carnosa prefers bright, indirect sunlight and moderate temperatures (about 75 degrees F). Keep the soil light and airy, and water it less in the wintertime, making sure it does not dry out between waterings. This plant also enjoys humidity so try misting the leaves or plant on damp pebbles even if you don’t water it.
Hoya Caudata

Scientific name: Hoya caudata
In 1883, Thomas Hoya discovered this species that hails from Singapore and Thailand. The leaves have a waxy texture, and it grows as a vining plant. Ideal growing conditions include bright sunlight, well-drained soil, and temperatures of at least 60 degrees.
Homeowners will enjoy the natural air-freshening capacity of these plants thanks to their sweet-scented flowers. This plant loves humidity and uses other plants to grow and spread out. Place this plant in a hanging basket to prepare for its long growth patterns.
Hoya Cinnamomifolia

Scientific name: Hoya cinnamomifolia
When you have a Hoya Cinnamomifolia, keep it in a warm environment with indirect light. The best conditions include 60% humidity and 65-75 degrees F.
These plants produce bright green and burgundy flowers that bloom by late spring in the shape of a star. Plus, the impressive leaves can grow as much as 5.6 inches long and 2.4 inches wide.
For the best results, fertilize the plants monthly in spring and summer. Test the top four inches of soil for dryness before you do watering. You can soak the soil after it dries out as long as the pot has good drainage.
Hoya Compacta ‘Variegata’

Scientific name: Hoya compacta ‘Variegata’
Here we have another slow-growing and hardy variety that produces white flowers in clusters. The waxy leaves of this hoya are green with creamy white edges and curl in intriguing patterns. The stems are sometimes pink, which adds a touch of color to the green and white foliage.
These plants are best in indirect light and well-draining soil. You can put it in a hanging pot or let the vine expand from a pot, covering your plant stand or furniture. No matter where you display it, it will be a showstopper.
Hoya Coronaria

Scientific name: Hoya coronaria
The Hoya Coronaria is native to Thailand, Malaysia, Borneo, and Singapore. The plant consists of waxy, thick leaves and beautiful star-shaped flowers that form clusters. The blooms look like a mini-flower inside of a star.
Enjoy the flowers as much as possible when they bloom because they only last a few days. You may see the flowers in a range of colors, such as purple, pale yellow cream, etc.
In its natural habitat, the hoya coronaria is a climbing plant that often densely covers branches. Keep that in mind when you decide where to place it, and make sure it has full sun or semi-shade with moderate water.
Hoya Cumingiana

Scientific name: Hoya cumingiana
If you love the smell of cinnamon or mango, you will enjoy smelling the blooms of the Hoya Cumingiana. Unfortunately, you will have to wait at least two years to see and smell those flowers. When the flowers bloom, they will form clusters of 5-10 flowers each.
This evergreen plant is native to the Philippines and Java. Despite its stunning appearance, it is not a high-maintenance plant. It does not require too much water since it is a succulent plant, so wait for the soil to become dry before watering again. Letting it sit in too much water can create root fungus. Give it some fertilizer every month or two as well to ensure proper growth.
Hoya Diversifolia

Scientific name: Hoya diversifolia
Make sure you water the hoya diversifolia plants well in the summer and give them partial shade. In the winter, keep this plant indoors and water it less.
This native Indonesian plant has uniquely shaped leaves and produces pink flowers when the weather is warm. If you are tempted to do some replanting, wait until mid-spring. As long as you are mindful of subtle adjustments for weather, you can grow these plants anywhere.
Hoya Eskimo

Scientific name: Hoya krohniana eskimo
This Southeast Asian houseplant has small fragrant flowers that smell quite sweet and grow in clusters. Some call it the “Heart-Leafed Lacunosa,” but the scientific name is “Hoya Krohniana Eskimo.”
Make sure you keep these in well-drained soil with access to full sun. However, partial shade can work as well. When you water the plant, allow the soil to get dry between waterings. You will soon see the bright green leaves – often with white speckles on them grow to about one inch.
Hoya Finlaysonii

Scientific name: Hoya finlaysonii
This is a tropical evergreen from Malaysia that can grow in various types of light, but a slight shade is best.
The light green leaves have dark veins and a hard feel. In summer, white and maroon flowers appear in small umbels and have a fragrance similar to cinnamon.
It is vital to keep this plant in well-drained and rich soil. This epiphyte normally grows on decomposing trees in tropical rainforests, getting nutrients from its host, air, and rainwater. So it needs extra soil nutrients when you grow it indoors. You may even find luck with potting the hoya finlaysonii in soil mixed with perlite, peat moss, cocoa shells, or even charcoal.
Keep these at a temperature above 70 degrees F and humidity between 60 to 80%.
Hoya Fitchii

Scientific name: Hoya fitchii
Whether you’re an experienced plant guru or a beginner plant lover, this hoya fitchii will win you over. It has captivating color variations, ranging in color from orange to pink to yellow. If you’re wondering about the name, it comes from Charles Marsden Fitch who first discovered the plant in the Philippines.
The flowers that bloom on these plants are rather tiny, but it is an easy plant to grow. It does not require constant watering – just water it once the soil dries out. It can grow well with at least some partial sunlight and an environment temperature of 50 degrees or more.
Hoya Fraterna

Scientific name: Hoya fraterna
The hoya fraternia is a fast-growing plant with incredible flowers, which bloom rapidly and present a unique salmon color. As many as 35 flowers appear in each umbel, giving off an intriguing banana scent. While these flowers are stunning, they only last for five days – so enjoy them while they last!
Place these dark green plants in medium to bright light. You can water these less in the winter, but keep the soil well-drained. Wait until the growing period to fertilize the soil so you can see this native Indonesian plant grow to its maximum 10-foot height.
Hoya Fungii

Scientific name: Hoya fungi
The Hoya Fungii is a vining epiphytic plant that can grow as much as ten feet. Keep these in full sun to partial shade and temperatures above 57 degrees F.
These plants come from southern China and have waxy leaves. The white flowers have a beautiful red center and grow in bunches with a sweet scent.
Hoya Imperialis

Scientific name: Hoya imperialis
The Hoya Imperialis comes from Thailand, Borneo, and Malaysia and showcases large flowers. The flowers are showstoppers that come in mauve or maroon colors and produce a sweet, almost spicy fragrance.
These are climbing plants with thick leaves and epiphytic characteristics. In their natural habitat, they will grow on forest trees near rivers and in lowlands. Low humidity is best for them, but you must give these plants copious amounts of water while ensuring good drainage.
Hoya Inconspicua

Scientific name: Hoya inconspicua
These plants are native to the Solomon Islands. They grow quickly and bloom small, fragrant flowers for several months at a time. Anywhere between 15 and 30 flowers can grow in an umbel when the plant blooms, showing off captivating purple-red flowers.
The Hoya Inconspicua is a vining epiphytic plant that you can grow in a hanging pot. It has a high likelihood of twinning around what it is near – so be mindful of where you place it.
Hoya Kentiana

Scientific name: Hoya kentiana
These long waxy leaves give this plant a unique appearance. The leaves start pink and eventually transition into a variation of green and white. Also, watch out for the red fragrant flowers that bloom. The flowers have five petals that form a star shape and grow in clumps.
Even though it grows quickly, the hoya kentiana is not high-maintenance. It’s a succulent and evergreen plant with trailing growth patterns. Give the plant full sun or at least partial shade, and you can watch it grow! As a vine, it may need outdoor space. However, you can also care for it indoors and protect it from any colder temperatures.
Hoya Kerii

Scientific name: Hoya kerii
Place these plants in bright light and give them a moderate amount of water. They love high humidity, which you can provide with a humidifier or by misting the leaves. Let it dry out between waterings, and be sure to fertilize these monthly as well.
The cute leaves have a heart shape so people often call it “ The Sweetheart Plant” or “Sweetheart Hoya.” Try not to pack the plant into your potting mix because the roots need good airflow. By nature, this plant is epiphytic – it grows on the surface of other plants – so it needs space.
Hoya Krimson Queen

Scientific name: Hoya Carnosa (variegated)
This cultivar is known for its variegated foliage that features reds, pinks, and yellows against the typical shiny green appearance of most hoya leaves. The flowers are pink to red with yellow throats and form clusters. It’s a slow-growing plant that will grow larger without much effort, making it a suitable potted plant for large houses or patios.
This low-maintenance vine grows best in hanging baskets and is named after Robert Brown, a famous botanist. It can spread up to 40 inches and have a length of 20 inches. It’s often mistaken for the hoya princess, due to their common appearances.
Hoya Limoniaca

Scientific name: Hoya limoniaca
This plant is native to New Caledonia. The lovely fragrance and flowers have helped it gain popularity since its discovery in 1921.
Small white flowers bloom from this compact vine plant during warm seasons. Grow it quickly in partial shade conditions indoors. When you water it, let the soil dry before you hydrate the plant again. Try to get perlite merged with peat moss for your soil mix. A 6.3 to 7.5 soil pH is ideal.
Keep this plant in an environment that has 60- 85 degree F temperatures and about 80% humidity levels.
Hoya Linearis

Scientific name: Hoya linearis
The Hoya Linearis is native to the Himalayas and can grow 6.5 feet in height with a 1.6-foot spread. The leaves are too fragile for direct sun, so place them in indirect light. They can tolerate high humidity, cool temperatures, and high altitudes. Feed it twice a month in its growing season.
These skinny leaves can grow long, so a good trim may be helpful. You can make more plants from the cuttings. The leaves contain a latex sap that may irritate the skin, so be careful during pruning.
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Hoya Macrophylla

Scientific name: Hoya macrophylla
The thick green leaves of this plant have yellow edges and creamy white flowers that wait until nightfall to give off their scent. These are great indoor plants as long as you keep them away from direct sunlight. With proper care, these plants can live for a long time.
Like other epiphyte plants, the hoya macrophylla naturally grows on other plants and vegetation in nature. In addition to getting nutrients from other plants, they can get nutrients from the rain, fog, air, and mist. This plant can grow among limestone or any alkaline soil.
Hoya Megalaster

Scientific name: Hoya megalaster
This plant comes from Papua New Guinea and is a vining and climbing epiphyte. It needs well-draining soil with good nutrient content. For example, perlite and orchard bark can add to the quality of the soil.
When it is actively growing, make sure the hoya megalaster is in an environment with over 60% humidity. It thrives with medium sunlight and warmth. Make sure you don’t overwater these plants – they have succulent leaves that retain moisture.
Pink flowers will blossom from these plants but they don’t last long. On the other hand, the plants can last for several years in your garden.
Hoya Meliflua

Scientific name: Hoya Meliflua
The hoya meliflua is a native plant of the Philippines, and some people call it “Blanco Merr” or little fraterna. In nature, you mostly see these plants at elevations of 1000-1200 above sea level.
Despite thriving at high elevations, these are not climbing plants. High humidity,well-drained soil, and temperatures of 68-77 degrees F are ideal conditions for care. The roots need airflow, so place this plant in a porous potting medium. The ideal soil pH is 6.1 to 6.5 and the best USDA hardiness zones are 10 to 12.
Hoya Memoria

Scientific name: Hoya memoria
The Hoya Memoria can survive a good soaking as long as you let the soil dry first. You can give it fertilizer monthly as it grows up to 6.5 feet. As an original island plant from Sulawesi, it loves high humidity.
Pinkish-purple flowers grow from spurs on the leaves with new flowers springing forth seasonally from the same spurs. These blooms also have a fuzzy appearance and a heavy sweet fragrance. Look for these flowers in spring to late summer as they mature over a three period.
Hoya Meredithii

Scientific name: Hoya meredithii
These plants bear flowers like most Hoya varieties, but this one provides golden hues in an umbel formation. Unfortunately, the blooms only last five days.
These plants need a generous amount of water, but moderate sunlight is fine. In the growing season, you can feed it low doses of fertilizer.
Hoya Mindorensis

Scientific name: Hoya mindorensis
This Filipino native plant is ideal for outdoor use, as it’s an evergreen climber that grows in an epiphytic nature on trees in humid forests. However, it does not take well to too much heat, so keep the temperature at a moderate level.
These plants usually have red flowers, but pink and yellow ones are possible as well. You can see as many as 40 flowers on umbels, and they carry a slight fragrance.
Hoya Multiflora

Scientific name: Hoya multiflora
If you ever heard of a plant called the” Shooting Stars,” then you have heard of the hoya multiflora. The clusters of star-shaped flowers give the appearance that they are shooting forth out of the plant. In addition to a stunning appearance, these flowers also have a sweet aroma.
This bushy shrub plant can grow about 8 feet in height. It is also an epiphyte in nature and comes from Thailand, Borneo, the Philippines, and Indonesia. Proper care involves just a little water and semi-shade.
Hoya Neocaledonica

Scientific name: Hoya neocaledonica
These low-maintenance plants come from New Caledonia and were brought to public attention by Rudolf Schlechter, a German botanist.
This hoya cultivar has flowers, but don’t expect a fragrant scent from them. While that might be a downside, the blooms do last longer than other hoya cultivars.
If you want to enjoy more hoya neocaledonica plants, simply take a stem cutting and repot it. If you have a stem cutting, you can grow a plant from it. These plants are ideal if you have a small space.
Hoya Nicholsoniae

Scientific name: Hoya nicholsoniae
This plant is native to Australia and New Guinea and has blooms characterized by a strong, spicy scent that grows more poignant at night.
Like most Hoya plants, keep the soil well-drained and place it in full sun to partial shade. Give this plant plenty of water once the soil dries out, and ensure the temperature does not go below 57 degrees F. The leaves can reach six inches in length and three inches in width. The leaves are veiny and some may also have spots. As a vine, it can reach close to 10 feet.
Hoya Obovata

Scientific name: Hoya obovata
This is a semi-succulent plant from Indonesia that needs bright, indirect light. They can pull moisture and nutrients from the air and hold water in their deep green leaves. These plants have hearty, waxy leaves that form an oval shape.
Its attractive appearance and fast growth rate make it a hit with plant lovers. The Hoya Obovata can grow as long as 20 feet and produce light pink or white flowers. You will have to wait at least two years to see these lovely flowers bloom.
Hoya Obscura

Scientific name: Hoya obscura
The hoya obscura is a native Philippines plant that thrives best in moderate lighting since direct sunlight may burn the leaves.
Well-drained soil and high humidity add to ideal growing conditions and help produce veiny, glossy, and waxy leaves. These leaves may start green but can turn red when they are on a diet of extra light or phosphorus fertilizer.
White flowers appear in the form of fuzzy, cream, or pink balls. Eventually, the flowers will turn yellow. However, the yellow color means the flowers are about to drop, but you can wait until the next bloom.
Hoya Pachyclada

Scientific name: Hoya pachyclada
The hoya pachyclada comes from Thailand, and many people call it a wax plant or porcelain flower. Gardeners may need some patience with this plant since it’s a slow grower. Make sure you place these in an environment that has direct sunlight, high humidity, and well-drained soil.
The dense, thick leaves have red edges. You will see star-shaped flowers appear on its waxy foliage that tend to cluster together into a ball shape. Heavy fertilization is not a necessity – simply give it some compost tea monthly.
Hoya Pauciflora

Scientific name: Hoya pauciflora
The Hoya Pauciflora is semi-succulent and has waxy leaves. It can grow flowers, but not at the rate that other hoya plants can. You will see the star-shaped flowers flourish from spring until early fall, producing white blooms with purple in the middle. Multiple flowers grow in an umbel that may hang or sit upright.
This species is a vining epiphytic plant that comes from southwest India and Sri Lanka and loves high humidity and well-drained soil. Leaves will burn in direct sun, so place them in bright and indirect light.
Hoya Plicata

Scientific name: Hoya plicata
When you buy these evergreen plants, you can maintain them by cutting the stem regularly. Also, make sure this succulent vine gets full sun or partial shade to cultivate the long, oval leaves that showcase raised veins and distinctive flowers.
This plant can thrive both indoors and outdoors, depending on the climate. USDA zones above 10b can host these plants outside.
Hoya Polyneura

Scientific name: Hoya polyneura
Native to China and the Himalayas, the hoya polyneura has numerous venous leaves, resulting in the name “many (poly) nerves (neura).”
The hoya polyneura prefers bright light with occasional direct sunlight. You don’t need to use a great deal of water on these plants, but monthly fertilizing is perfect during the active growth phase. Look out for wrinkling leaves on the plant, as it is a sign of stress, potentially resulting from poor soil drainage.
When you grow this plant indoors, it will grow up to 6.5 feet. You should not re-pot any more than every two years.
Hoya Pottsii

Scientific name: Hoya pottsii
The Hoya Pottsii needs a generous amount of sun and warm temperature to grow. As you nurture these plants, watch out for the clusters of flowers that can bloom in many different colors. Each fragrant cluster has a generous amount of flowers, some reaching up to 20.
This plant is native to Polynesia, Australia, and New Guinea. Hoya Pottsii often grows in a twining movement.
Hoya Pubicalyx

Scientific name: Hoya pubicalyx
The hoya pubicalyx is a speckled plant favored for its minimal care, drought-resistance, and fast growth. It also carries a sweet scent and grows 8-10 feet in height.
Keep these in organic well-drained soil with a pH from 6.5 to 7.5. Place these next to a sunny window for bright indirect light, and maintain an indoor temperature between 60 and 75 degrees F.
You can also find subvarieties of the Hoya Pubicalyx such as the Pink Silver, Black Dragon, Red Buttons, Royal Hawaiian Purple, and Jungle Garden.
Hoya Purpureofusca

Scientific name: Hoya purpureofusca
The hoya purpureofusca originates from Southeast Asia and is an evergreen plant that sprouts flowers from spring until fall. These clusters of flowers have a nice range of colors including dark purple or pink.
For ideal blooms, give this plant full sun or bright shade,well-drained soil, and plenty of water. The vine can grow up to ten feet, especially in USDA zones 11-12.
Hoya Retusa

Scientific name: Hoya retusa
The hoya retusa sports stringy, narrow leaves that resemble grass. Plus, its flowering season is a delight to behold as you watch its white star-shaped flowers bloom. These elegant-looking plants hail from Southeast Asia and need well-draining soil.
Place them anywhere in the home, but try your best to find bright and indirect light. These long plants thrive in 50 -80 degree F temperatures with good airflow. Keep in mind that the hoya retusa easily suffers from root rot, so only moisten it with room temperature water.
Hoya Serpens

Scientific name: Hoya serpens
You can grow these plants in a garden or inside the house. Their bloom carries a mild fragrance you will enjoy all year. This type of plant needs a regular watering schedule, and you need to keep the soil well aerated with a pH balance between 6.0 and 7.0.
This plant is popular among gardeners due to the pale green flowers combined with perfectly round leaves. Once the flowers bloom in summer, the enticing scent becomes stronger. Don’t forget to give it filtered bright light.
Hoya Shepherdii

Scientific name: Hoya shepherdii
Like other Hoya varieties, this one also has fragrant flowers. These creamy white flowers have pink centers and grow in little clusters.
Some people call it the ‘String Bean Hoya” due to the appearance of its leaves, which grow on long vines and have a waxy appearance. It is easy to grow, and proper care involves plenty of hydration with a moderate amount of light.
While good hydration is important for this plant, don’t soak it. Let the soil surface dry before you water it again. Thankfully, this plant is not fussy when it comes to humidity levels.
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Hoya Skinneriana

Scientific name: Hoya skinneriana
Bright lights – even if they are artificial! – are best for these plants. It is a succulent vine plant that needs full sun to partial shade. Grow these in slightly acidic soil with a pH of about 6.1 to 6.5, and keep the temperature over 57 degrees F.
The Hoya Skinneriana is an evergreen that can climb up to 12 feet. If you have these plants outside, don’t be shocked when hummingbirds flock around its pink flowers.
Hoya Wayetii

Scientific name: Hoya wayetii
This species of Hoya is native to the Philippines, and its trails can grow up to 30 inches long. You can grow this plant in full sun or partial shade, both indoors and outdoors.
These plants love humidity and can grow rather slowly. They are easy to care for and are popular due to their pretty and distinctive leaves. Before it starts trailing, the plant can mound up to 4 inches.
You may see tiny red or mauve flowers growing in bunches at times. Plus, the long thin leaves often have red borders, giving this some more color.
Final Thoughts
Hoya Cultivars are a unique and diverse plant species. This plant mostly comes from Southeast Asia, so the various species often love humidity. Many of these plants have fragrant budding flowers – some even attract hummingbirds.
Umbels and star-shapes are common flora characteristics. Hoyas not only beautify a home but also provide natural air fresheners.
Many of these grow in a vine pattern and come in light-green to deep-green colors. Leaves may be waxy, fuzzy, heart-shaped, oval, or resemble a string bean. If you want a houseplant or an exotic plant for your garden, a Hoya is a viable option.