27 Pink Succulents That Will Add Color to Your Indoor Garden
Looking to add a pink succulent to your indoor plant collection, but aren't sure where to start? There are many indoor succulents to pick from, so finding the perfect plant can be a challenge. In this article, we look at our favorite pink succulents with names and pictures of each!

An indoor garden can provide a sense of calm, peace, and enjoyment for many busy people who also enjoy plants. However, some houseplants require constant care and tending. Luckily, most types of succulents can be grown as indoor plants. As indoor plants, they are low-maintenance, and don’t take much time to manage. Many succulents can come in a wide variety of different colors, including pink!
Due to their ease of care, frequent travelers, corporate climbers, and busy mothers will benefit from adopting succulents into their indoor arsenal. So, if you’ve decided a pink succulent is your next houseplant, but you aren’t sure where to start, you’ve landed in the right place.
We’ve hand picked a comprehensive list of our favorite pink succulents that will add color to your home without taking away from your energy and time. Let’s dig in!

Scientific Name: Echeveria ‘Afterglow’
- Plant Type: Perennial
- Plant Size: 16 Inches
- Watering Needs: When the top 1-2 inches of soil are dry
- Sunlight Needs: Full Sun
The Afterglow succulent is a stunning pink color with a blueish hue in the center. This plant can get bigger and may need more space as it matures. Afterglow can grow orange flowers in the summer months but usually stays a powdery pink color. The color depends on the temperature and the climate of the region.
Afterglow succulents grow nicely in sandy areas that have moderate moisture. It requires well-drained soil and plenty of sunlight.

Scientific Name: Sedum rubrotinctum
- Plant Type: Perennial
- Plant Size: 6 Inches
- Watering Needs: When the top 1-2 inches of soil are dry
- Sunlight Needs: Full Sun
Aurora succulents are stunning in color and are unique because they can cover a lot of ground. Although this plant is only six inches tall, it can extend over 36 inches in radius. It’s often called a Jelly Bean succulent, as well.
Aurora grows round, little, fluid-filled lumps off of stems. These lumps look similar to Jelly Beans and range from green with pink tips to completely pink. They are in the sedum family, which is also commonly referred to as stonecrop.
Bluebean Succulent

Scientific Name: Graptopetalum pachyphyllum
- Plant Type: Perennial
- Plant Size: 8 Inches
- Watering Needs: When the top 1-2 inches of soil are dry
- Sunlight Needs: Part Sun
This succulent grows low to the ground and has branches from its base with stems that expand outward. Although this plant is named Bluebean Succulent, it has a pinkish tinge to the tips of the blue, fluid-filled leaves. These leaves look like Jelly Beans, like the Aurora succulent. However, it grows closer together and in smaller clumps.
This plant offers good ground cover and can take over more space. Although the Bluebean Succulent has fluid-filled leaves, it will not require more watering or maintenance than other succulents.
Calico Kitten

Scientific Name: Crassula pellucida
- Plant Type: Perennial
- Plant Size: 6 Inches
- Watering Needs: When the top 1-2 inches of soil are dry
- Sunlight Needs: Part Sun
These succulents are adorable, striking, and stunning. Calico Kitten succulents are in the crassula family, notorious for their vining and stringing nature. The leaves on a Calico Kitten plant are heart-shaped and pink in color. Calico kitten enjoys spilling over the lid of its home container and going down the side.
Calico Kitten succulents are perfect for containers or succulent gardens that need a sprawling or spilling effect.
Douglas Huth

Scientific Name: Graptoveria ‘Douglas Huth’
- Plant Type: Perennial
- Plant Size: 6 Inches
- Watering Needs: When the top 1-2 inches of soil are dry
- Sunlight Needs: Full Sun
The Douglas Huth succulent is unlike any other because its origins are unknown. It is likely a hybrid between an Echeveria plant and a Graptopetalum paraguayense plant. It may have been created by someone with the name Douglas Huth, but not much is known about the plant’s namesake.
Douglas Huth succulents have plenty of pink, triangle-shaped rosettes that sprawl outward in clumps. Douglas Huth can have dozens of rosettes on one plant or stem.
Euphorbia Monadenium

Scientific Name: Euphorbia monadenium stapelioides f. Variegate
- Plant Type: Perennial
- Plant Size: 18 Inches
- Watering Needs: When the top 1-2 inches of soil are dry
- Sunlight Needs: Full Sun
This succulent is known for the stunning rosy leaves that grow off the thick green spires that protrude from its base. These spires are spiky and have leaves that begin green and gradient to red or pink as they extend outward.
These succulents are easy to manage and do not require much water. However, they can grow tall and cover quite a bit of surface area when left unchecked.
Ghost Plant

Scientific Name: Graptopetalum paraguayense
- Plant Type: Perennial
- Plant Size: 12 Inches
- Watering Needs: When the top 1-2 inches of soil are dry
- Sunlight Needs: Full Sun
A Ghost Plant succulent has a light rosy tinge to its leaves, which is easy to miss when scanning the garden. Most of the leaves are a dusty green, but as the plant matures, the leaves develop a light pink color on their surface.
The color of this succulent will also depend on the temperature and climate. The colors may be more vibrant with more sunlight and warmer temperatures.
Ghost Plants prefer slightly acidic soil and grow yellow flowers in the summer.
Kalanchoe Pink Butterflies

Scientific Name: Kalanchoe x houghtonii
- Plant Type: Perennial
- Plant Size: 18 Inches
- Watering Needs: When the top 1-2 inches of soil are dry
- Sunlight Needs: Partial Sun
Kalanchoe Pink Butterflies succulent is a unique plant because it doesn’t have large leaves like many other succulents. Instead, this Kalanchoe has stems that grow pink, rosy leaves, like wheat or tall grass.
This succulent is a hybrid of two succulents and is often named the “mother of thousands” because it will grow hundreds of leaves that can create a whole new plant when propagated. The plant gets its name from the resemblance that the small pink leaves have to butterflies.

Scientific Name: Echeveria laui
- Plant Type: Perennial
- Plant Size: 6 Inches
- Watering Needs: When the top 1-2 inches of soil are dry
- Sunlight Needs: Full Sun
There are more than 150 species of Echeveria plants available, but the Laui variety is one of the most stunning. The fluid-filled leaves of the Lau have a typical dusty white tone with a pink tinge. The coloration of this succulent is reminiscent of pastel blue and pink colors.
This plant will grow stems upward from in between the leaves, and these stems will contain smaller leaves. However, this succulent grows slowly and may take months or years, in some cases, to reach maturity.

Scientific Name: Pachyphytum oviferum
- Plant Type: Perennial
- Plant Size: 4 Inches
- Watering Needs: When 50-75% of soil is dry
- Sunlight Needs: Full Sun
Moonstone succulents are unique because they can be kept in small containers and grow well in dry, arid conditions. The fluid-filled leaves on a Moonstone succulent contain more fluid and are thicker than those of Jelly Bean succulents.
Moonstone succulents can grow close together to make a stunning display of colors like pink, dusty green, and creamy white.
Neon Breaker

Scientific Name: Echeveria ‘Neon Breaker’
- Plant Type: Perennial
- Plant Size: 8 Inches
- Watering Needs: When the top 1-2 inches of soil are dry
- Sunlight Needs: Partial Sun
The Neon Breaker succulent is similar to the other Echeveria succulents. But, it has striking and stunning colors that many Echeveria succulents do not have. At first glance, the Neon Breaker succulent may look like purple cabbage. However, this plant has a lighter color and a dusty center that gives it a rosy, pinkish tone.
Neon breaker can spread over a large area and be an ideal addition to any indoor garden – especially when combined with other succulents.
Peacock Echeveria

Scientific Name: Echeveria peacockii
- Plant Type: Perennial
- Plant Size: 6 Inches
- Watering Needs: When the top 1-2 inches of soil are dry
- Sunlight Needs: Partial Sun
There are about 150 succulents in the Echeveria plant family. This plant is not entirely pink, but the tips of these rosettes have a rosy, red, and pinkish color. As the plant matures, these colors become more prominent and stunning. The rest of the plant and rosettes are a dusty blueish, leading to a somewhat green center.
Much like a peacock’s feathers, this plant has many colors and includes many stunning features. This succulent can withstand low light conditions, but does best in partial sun.
Perle Von Nurnberg

Scientific Name: Echeveria ‘Perle Von Nurnberg’
- Plant Type: Perennial
- Plant Size: 10 Inches
- Watering Needs: When the top 1-2 inches of soil are dry
- Sunlight Needs: Full Sun
Like many succulents, Perle Von Nurnberg offers a gradient of colors that can add stunning colors to your home and indoor garden. This succulent pairs perfectly with other succulents to create a vibrant display.
The Perle Von Nurnberg species of succulents offers a rosy pink center and outer layers of dusty green, although some of these outer leaves may have pink tips or lingering coloration as it matures.
Pink Aeonium

Scientific Name: Aeonium leucoblepharum
- Plant Type: Perennial
- Plant Size: 12 Inches
- Watering Needs: When the top 1-2 inches of soil are dry
- Sunlight Needs: Part Sun
Pink Aeonium is a stunning succulent that offers a color scheme that looks like a watermelon that has been cut down the center. This succulent has pink leaves with a green stripe going right down the center.
Pink Aeonium can also come out with a small gradient that lacks a stripe when the plant is young. As the succulent matures, a Pink Aeonium will develop the stripe and have more prominent stripes and colors.
Pink Beauty

Scientific Name: Crassula ovata
- Plant Type: Perennial
- Plant Size: 5 Feet
- Watering Needs: When the top 1-2 inches of soil are dry
- Sunlight Needs: Full Sun
The Pink Beauty succulent is a variety of Jade plant. It has many branches and very thick stems. The stems are a velvety green, while the leaves have red or pink, bulb-like leaves. ‘Pink Beauty’ will grow a nine-inch base, but the leaves can grow up to nearly five feet tall.
The flowers that grow from this succulent in the summer months are star-shaped and pale. These flowers will continue to grow into the late winter because the plant is so resilient.
Pink Blush

Scientific Name: Aloe ‘Pink Blush’
- Plant Type: Perennial
- Plant Size: 12 Inches
- Watering Needs: When the top 1-2 inches of soil are dry
- Sunlight Needs: Full Sun
Pink Blush Aloe is a unique plant because it does not have a natural origin. ‘Pink Blush’ is a hybrid cross between Aloe ferox and Aloe striata. This hybrid was created by gardener Kelly Griffin.
A Pink Blush Aloe plant will grow in small clumps with leaves that go outward and upward. A Pink Blush Aloe plant will have pink ridges at the corners of the leaves. This color can extend toward the center and up to the tips of the leaves.
Pink Champagne

Scientific Name: Echeveria ‘Pink Champagne’
- Plant Type: Perennial
- Plant Size: 5 Inches
- Watering Needs: When the top 1-2 inches of soil are dry
- Sunlight Needs: Full Sun
A Pink Champagne succulent has a more rosy color than most other succulents available. As an Echeveria plant, the Pink Champagne succulent has triangle-shaped rosettes that extend outward and upward. This plant is green in the center while maintaining a pale or dusty pink in the surrounding leaves.
The color of this succulent will depend on the climate and region of the area, like other members of the Echeveria family.
Pink Frills

Scientific Name: Echeveria shaviana
- Plant Type: Perennial
- Plant Size: 8 Inches
- Watering Needs: When the top 1-2 inches of soil are dry
- Sunlight Needs: Full Sun
The Pink Frills succulent is similar to the many other members of the Echeveria family, and the exact coloring varies. However, pink frills can have a deep purple color with rosy pink tips that make for a stunning display. No matter what, pink frills will add striking color to your indoor garden, coffee table, or centerpiece.
Although it can grow up to a foot tall, young Pink Frills succulents will likely be small and can be kept in small containers until they mature and require repotting into something larger.
Pink Granite

Scientific Name: Sedeveria ‘Pink Granite’
- Plant Type: Perennial
- Plant Size: 6 Inches
- Watering Needs: When the soil is completely dried out
- Sunlight Needs: Part Sun
Pink Granite succulents grow in spires upward. These spires have triangle-shaped leaves that are fluid-filled and are a pale pink color. Young Pink Granite succulents will have light green colors in the center. This plant will lay on its side when it gets too tall, or the spires may break under the pressure and weight of larger spires.

Scientific Name: Echeveria ‘Rainbow’
- Plant Type: Perennial
- Plant Size: 6 Inches
- Watering Needs: When the top 1-2 inches of soil are dry
- Sunlight Needs: Full Sun
Researching Rainbow Echeveria plants may show plenty of results for painted and artificial plants. However, there is an Echeveria plant that is called the Rainbow Echeveria.
This plant is not as colorful as a rainbow, but it certainly has a vast array of stunning colors. The leaves of this plant are triangular-shaped and have dark green, pale pink, and rosy pink colors in stages littered across the leaves.

Scientific Name: Echeveria ‘Raindrops’
- Plant Type: Perennial
- Plant Size: 6 Inches
- Watering Needs: When the top 1-2 inches of soil are dry
- Sunlight Needs: Part Sun
Although the Raindrop succulent is in the Echeveria family of succulents, this succulent has little bumps on the ends of each rosy-tipped leaf. It has a wide rosette that grows outward and upward. ‘Raindrops’ is especially unique because of the bumps on its leaves, and when it’s exposed to water and rain, it adds to the intrigue.
This succulent is ideal for indoors as it does not require much sun or water.
String of Hearts

Scientific Name: Ceropegia woodii
- Plant Type: Perennial
- Plant Size: 12 Inches
- Watering Needs: When the soil is completely dried out
- Sunlight Needs: Indirect Sun
The String of Hearts is iconic for being a vining plant, but many don’t know it is actually a succulent. This plant has leaves that grow off vining stems, and take the shape of several small hearts. The many leaves and stems of this plant are thin but include fluid and water within. This makes String of Hearts a succulent plant, although it may not look the part.

Scientific Name: Echeveria ‘Taurus’
- Plant Type: Perennial
- Plant Size: 12 Inches
- Watering Needs: When the top 1-2 inches of soil are dry
- Sunlight Needs: Full Sun
The Taurus Echeveria is unique because it has nearly solid pink color to its leaves. ‘Taurus’ can be dark pink, purple, or a pale pink color.
This plant may have some green color on the sprouting and immature leaves in the middle of the plant. However, when it is mature, it will have little or no green color left in the center. and simply have a purple or pink brilliance that will look lovely within a home.

Scientific Name: Echeveria ‘Tippy’
- Plant Type: Perennial
- Plant Size: 6 Inches
- Watering Needs: When the top 1-2 inches of soil are dry
- Sunlight Needs: Full Sun
A Tippy Echeveria has green leaves that are filled with fluid, and tipped with a reddish-pink tinge. The namesake for this plant is due to the “tips” of the leaves. ‘Tippy’ gives a neutral color scheme a dash of color, and goes perfectly with other indoor succulents.
Turtle Vine

Scientific Name: Callisia repens
- Plant Type: Perennial
- Plant Size: 20 Inches
- Watering Needs: When the top 1-2 inches of soil are dry
- Sunlight Needs: Full Sun
Turtle Vine plants are unique because they are a succulent that offers ground cover. This plant can spread out over a 20-inch radius. A Turtle Vine plant is ideal for adding a spilling effect to a container or collection of succulents. Turtle vine comes in green or a pale pink color. A Turtle Vine will also sprout stunning pink flowers every summer.

Scientific Name: Anacampseros telephiastrum
- Plant Type: Perennial
- Plant Size: 10 Inches
- Watering Needs: When the soil is completely dried out
- Sunlight Needs: Full Sun
A Variegata has thick wedges for leaves that have a fur-like surface with prickly hairs. This plant can come in a variety of colors, but one of the most popular is a pinkish, reddish plant that mingles with green.
This plant is perfect for a sunny ledge or shelf in a home.
Variegated Indian Corn Cob

Scientific Name: Euphorbia mammillaris variegate
- Plant Type: Perennial
- Plant Size: 12 Inches
- Watering Needs: When the soil is completely dried out
- Sunlight Needs: Full Sun
Succulents are cousins to cacti, and the Variegated Indian Corn Cob shows those similarities. This plant grows fast and can often take the shape of a typical cactus. Additionally, this plant will have a dusty or chalky surface that is ribbed and spiky.
Final Thoughts
Succulents are a perfect combination of beauty and low-maintenance. Even the busiest indoor gardeners can experience the beautiful pink vibrance of one of these succulents without tanking all of their time into gardening, creating the perfect conditions, or constantly tending to their plants.
Pink succulents look stunning on countertops, in bathrooms, and on coffee tables. Any one of the succulents we’ve listed here will make a fine next addition to your indoor garden!