How to Plant, Grow, and Care For ‘Fuyu’ Persimmon
‘Fuyu’ Persimmon trees are easy to grow, readily available, and produce an abundance of delicious and nutritious fruits. Have you ever wanted to try growing a fruit tree? This is a great place to start. In this article, gardening enthusiast Liessa Bowen introduces the ‘Fuyu’ persimmon and discusses the proper care and maintenance of one of her favorite fruit trees.

If you are a fan of sweet, delicious persimmon fruits, you might be very interested to know that you can grow your own! If you live in a warm climate, have a sunny yard, and can provide rich, moist soil, a persimmon tree can be a tremendously rewarding addition to your garden.
The ‘Fuyu’ persimmon (Diospyros kaki) is one of the most popular varieties of Asian persimmon. These trees produce an abundance of fruits that can be eaten fresh, straight off the tree. They also store well for later snacking or use them to make persimmon jams and preserves. A single mature persimmon tree can produce hundreds of fruits each year!
Persimmons are medium-sized trees native to Asia. These fruit trees are easy to grow in the right conditions and provide year-round interest. Their attractive forms make them pleasing landscaping trees. The fruits are edible, and they have spectacular red-orange fall foliage.
Are you ready to grow your own persimmons? Let’s dig a little deeper into the ‘Fuyu’ persimmon so you’ll know exactly what you need to start your own thriving persimmon tree.

Plant Type
Fruit tree
Kaki ‘Fuyu’
Native Area
India, Burma, China and Korea
USDA Hardiness Zone
7 – 10
Sun Exposure
Full sun
Soil Type
Rich, Well-drained
Watering Requirements
Suggested Uses
Edible landscape, fruit tree, fall foliage
20 – 30 feet
Bloom Season
Flower Color
Creamy white, pink
Leaf spot, squirrels, scale, mealybugs
Resistant To
Heat, drought
Plant Spacing
20+ feet
Plant Natural History

The Asian persimmon (Diospyros kaki) originated in China, India, and the Indochina region. These trees have been extensively cultivated as a food crop for over two thousand years. Through extensive cultivation and selection, hundreds of Asian persimmon cultivars now exist.
‘Fuyu’ is one of the most common varieties of Asian persimmon, known for its abundant sweet, non-astringent fruits. These trees are self-fertile and won’t require cross-pollination to set fruits, so unlike many other fruit tree varieties, you can grow plenty of ‘Fuyu’ persimmons with just one plant. Asian persimmon trees start reliably bearing fruits when they are about five years old.

‘Fuyu’ persimmons are deciduous fruit trees. Unless aggressively pruned, they will grow up to about 30 feet tall. These trees develop a single main trunk, splitting into several primary branches with additional fruit-bearing twigs. The fruits form on first and second-year wood.
Asian persimmon flowers bloom along the smaller, younger branches in late spring. The flowers are creamy-white to very pale pink and measure about 1 cm wide. These small flowers are non-showy, but they will still attract some pollinators.
The ‘Fuyu’ persimmon fruits develop very slowly, appearing shortly after flowering and starting as small, hard, green orbs. They gradually increase in size until they are each about two to three inches across. Asian persimmon fruits stay firm and green throughout the entire summer. By mid-fall, the fruits begin to turn orange. Somewhere around the time of the first frost, often sometime in October, when the fruits become entirely orange, they are finally ready to harvest and eat.
Persimmon trees develop a deep taproot, helping them withstand brief periods of drought.
In the autumn, the semi-glossy leaves turn from green to bright red-orange and make a spectacular autumn display specimen.

Would you like to try propagating your persimmon tree? Taking a cutting is the easiest way to grow a new persimmon tree. Not every cutting you take, however, will successfully start a new tree, so try taking a few cuttings in hopes that one develops roots.
Take your cuttings from a smaller branch tip and make them each about six inches long. Use side shoots, root suckers, or recent branch growth. Dip the lower end of your cutting in a rooting hormone and place it into fresh, moist potting soil. Keep your potted cutting warm and moist and in a well-lit location until it starts to develop roots. It will take several weeks for a cutting to start to develop roots.
You will know that a stem cutting has rooted successfully if it starts to develop fresh leaf growth at the top. Continue to grow your successful cutting (or cuttings) in a warm, moist, protected location until you are ready to transplant them outside in their permanent home.

Planting a persimmon tree is simple. Early spring or late fall are the best times of year for transplanting fruit trees. If you have a young nursery-grown tree or a potted cutting that’s ready to be transplanted, follow these quick and easy steps.
- Choose an appropriate location for your tree’s permanent home.
- Dig a hole slightly deeper and wider than the pot in which your plant is currently growing.
- Add some nutritious organic compost to the hole to help give your tree a strong start, but don’t add any fertilizers for your new tree.
- Gently remove your persimmon tree from its pot and transfer it into the hole.
- Spread out the root mass into a rounded mat, but keep the taproot aiming down.
- Backfill the hole with soil and tamp it down around the tree.
- Water your tree well. Give it a thorough watering so the roots can soak up the moisture, not just a light sprinkling on the soil surface.
- Make sure your tree is placed so the main stem is upright. Correct any leaning tendencies now before the roots start to establish.
- Keep your newly transplanted tree watered for the first several weeks to help it become well-established.
How to Grow
Asian persimmons are surprisingly easy to grow. As long as you can provide suitable growing conditions, these trees shouldn’t give you any trouble.

‘Fuyu’ persimmons, like all Asian persimmon cultivars, require full sun. Give them a location with at least six hours of direct sunlight each day. Trees grown with inadequate sunlight will lean towards the available sunlight and have poor fruiting.

Persimmons like moist soil. However, they are tolerant of periodic drought once established. Water your young persimmon tree at least once per week for the first summer. After the first year, it’s unlikely that your tree will need supplemental watering unless you live in a drought-prone location.

Persimmons need rich, moist, well-drained soil. The soil pH should be neutral to slightly acidic. Average-quality soil is generally fine as long as you periodically add some organic compost to help boost quality nutrients.
Climate and Temperature

The ‘Fuyu’ persimmon grows in USDA Plant Hardiness Zones 7 – 10. They tolerate mild to moderate winter weather but will die if exposed to prolonged or extreme freezes. Persimmons are tolerant of heat and humid environments as long as they receive adequate moisture.

Don’t fertilize your persimmon tree at all for the first couple of years because it is easy to over-fertilize these trees. After these first two years, you can fertilize on an as-needed basis. If your tree shows signs of yellowing leaves or slowed growth, add a balanced fertilizer once each year, in late winter or early spring. As an alternative to fertilizer, you can also add a top-dressing layer of organic compost around your tree to boost soil nutrients.

Persimmons are low-maintenance trees. They do not typically require pruning other than basic maintenance pruning to remove dead or unhealthy branches. Water your young trees regularly until they are well-established. After this, give them periodic deep waterings during times of drought. The most enjoyable maintenance you’ll need to do is harvest the fruits!

The ‘Fuyu’ persimmon produces non-astringent fruit. This is good news for growers because it means you can eat the fruits anytime after they turn orange, even if the fruits are not yet soft.
With ‘Fuyu,’ just wait until your fruits are fully orange. If you pick them when they are still firm, they will be crunchy with an apple-like texture. As the fruits turn darker red-orange, they become slightly softer and sweeter. If you wait until the fruits are entirely deep red-orange in color and have become very soft, you can still eat them. At this point, they will be extremely sweet with a custard-like texture.

Firm, orange ‘Fuyu’ persimmons can be stored for up to two months or so in the fruit crisper drawer of your refrigerator. Once the fruits start to soften, they should be eaten fairly quickly. If you find yourself with too many fruits to eat them all fresh, try making a batch of persimmon jelly, or give them away to your friends and neighbors.
Garden Design

Have you ever wished that you could grow an edible landscape, full of beautiful plants that also provided a source of food? Persimmons are the answer! A ‘Fuyu’ persimmon tree makes an excellent specimen tree for your landscape. These small to medium-sized trees have an attractive form, spectacularly colored mature fruits, and brilliant fall foliage. Place your tree in a location with plenty of sunlight and space away from other trees and shrubs to reduce competition with other plants.
If you have limited space but still want to grow a fruit tree, try growing a persimmon in a large container. You’ll want a large container, ideally seven gallons or more, to accommodate its substantial root system. Choose a container that’s still a manageable size in case you need to move it into the garage for the winter months.
Container-grown fruit trees look great anywhere you put them. Keep them pruned to help balance them in the pot and make sure your container has excellent drainage.
Wildlife Value

If you are hoping to attract wildlife to your yard, growing a persimmon tree is a great option. Persimmon fruits attract birds, squirrels, and other small mammals who will come to either nibble or feast in your tree. Persimmon trees also support birds by providing foraging opportunities, perches, and shelter. Pollinators will come to gather nectar from the spring-blooming flowers.
Common Problems
The ‘Fuyu’ persimmon is generally a trouble-free tree for the home landscape. These trees are somewhat susceptible to leaf spot and mealy bugs, but your biggest problem may be the squirrels that love to eat these fruits.
Leaf Spot

Leaf spot is a fungal or bacterial infection that causes brown, gray, or black spots to develop on the leaves. Most of the time, leaf spots will only affect a small number of leaves and will not harm the overall health or productivity of your tree. Persistent leaf spots can cause your trees to prematurely lose leaves and therefore diminish tree health.
You can minimize the risk and damage caused by leaf spots by allowing excellent air circulation between your plants. Don’t overcrowd your trees, shrubs, or other plants. Prune off overlapping branches to promote airflow within the tree. Rake up and dispose of fallen diseased leaves so that infections cannot continue to spread within the same area.

Anyone who has grown fruits before knows that squirrels can be a real nuisance. Not every squirrel, however, seems to love persimmons. If the squirrels in your yard decide that they like persimmons, they make just take a few bites or steal entire fruits from your tree.
It’s almost impossible to protect your entire tree from hungry squirrels, but you can try to deter these persistent pests. There are some scents, such as hot pepper spray and mint, that seem to repel squirrels. If you use a squirrel-repellent spray, you will need to reapply it after every rain. Tree netting doesn’t work to repel squirrels because it will entangle birds and squirrels will still chew through the netting to reach the fruits.
Mealy Bugs

Mealy bugs and scale are tiny insect pests that suck the juices from plant leaves and stems. You’ll be able to see mealy bugs because they gather in large numbers and look like white or gray fuzzy mounds. Scale insects often blend in with tree branches, and move much more slowly. As they feed, these bugs excrete a sweet, sticky honeydew substance on the leaves, which can then lead to growths of sooty mold.
Always clean your tools between uses to help prevent the spread of pests from one plant to another. Remove and destroy any heavily infested leaves if you have very localized infestations. Attract beneficial insects, such as ladybugs, to your yard. Ladybugs and their larvae love to eat mealy bugs!
Final Thoughts
If you love to eat fresh persimmons and have the right conditions to grow your own, go ahead and give it a try! Persimmons are prolific producers and very easy to grow. ‘Fuyu’ persimmon trees are readily available and will liven up your landscape throughout the entire year.
These are attractive trees with a graceful form, the fruits are beautiful (and tasty!), and they display fantastic fall foliage. So what are you waiting for? If you have the space, a warm climate, and plenty of sunlight, a persimmon is sure to please.