19 Types of Flavorful Basil for Your Garden
Is it even summer if the aroma of basil doesn't waft through the garden? Join me, organic farmer Jenna Rich, as I discuss 19 of the most flavorful basils for your garden.

For many of us, winter is for flipping through seed catalogs and plotting out our gardens. I love to squeeze in extra patches of basil wherever I can because I can never have enough. Plus, there are so many different types of basil to experiment with in the kitchen!
A quick note about hardiness zones listed in this article: most basil varieties can grow as perennials in zones 9-12, but anyone in zones 5+ can grow basil as an annual. While it thrives in full sun, it appreciates afternoon shade in extremely warm regions with harsh summers.
And now, here are 19 flavorful basils for you to try growing in your garden.
Our Favorites

botanical name Ocimum basilicum ‘Genovese’ |
sun requirements Full sun |
height 12-36 inches |
hardiness zones 9-12 |
This is the basil type everyone probably pictures when they imagine classic Italian basil. Its flavor is traditional, lending itself perfectly to pasta dishes, summer salads, and pesto.
Genovese basil has gorgeous, textured leaves that droop just slightly at the ends. When pruned and harvested regularly, these plants can grow to three feet tall and will bush out heavily with side shoots.
Keep it from going to flower by pinching out the center growth point whenever you can. This will keep energy focused on the root system, and the plant will keep sending out more shoots rather than reproducing.

botanical name Ocimum basilicum citriodorum |
sun requirements Full sun to partial shade |
height 8-16 inches |
hardiness zones 9-12 |
Since locally grown lemons are hard, or impossible, to come by in most parts of North America, growing lemon basil is a great alternative. The citrusy and sweet flavor profile is perfect for olive oil and vinegar blends, fish dishes, dessert muffins, and summer pasta dishes.
You’ll notice the height is a bit shorter than most other basil plants. This variety has a compact bush growth habit so you can easily grow this variety in containers in small spaces, patios, or even apartment patios. If left to bloom, flowers will be a gentle white.
Dark Opal

botanical name Ocimum basilicum ‘Dark Opal’ |
sun requirements Full sun |
height 16-18 inches |
hardiness zones 9-12 |
This variety offers an awesome mix of mostly dark purple and about 10% green leaves that are slightly ruffled, perfect to use as a garnish. The flavor of dark opal basil is quite intense, so it should be showcased thoughtfully in pasta dishes, soups, or desserts.
Plant in slightly rich and well-draining soil. Dark opal will mature in 70 days and can be used as cut flowers as well as for culinary purposes.
Pro tip: Allow a small amount of the plants to flower, and use the red and purple flowers as a garnish on plates or as cocktail/mocktail floaters.
Sweet Thai

botanical name Ocimum basilicum var. thyrsiflora |
sun requirements Full sun to partial shade |
height 12-24 inches |
hardiness zones 9-12 |
This hardy type of basil holds up well when cooked and is perfect for adding to simmering broths. The fragrance is strong, and the flavor adds an intense kick of spicy, savory anise.
In Thailand, Thai basil is called Horapha, and in Vietnam, Hung Que. This is a popular variety to add to pho, Thai pesto, and curries.

botanical name Ocimum basilicum ‘Cinnamon’ |
sun requirements Full sun |
height 18-30 inches |
hardiness zones 9-12 |
The flavor of cinnamon basil includes, well, cinnamon, but it’s also slightly minty with a side of anise. Its flavor is warm, and while it’s great for tossing into fresh salads, combined into pasta dishes or chicken marinades, for something a little more unique, cook this down with homemade apple sauce and jams.
Or better yet, substitute this for ground cinnamon in pie recipes or make a holiday whipped cream by blending heavy cream with basil leaves until it turns to the right consistency. You can also muddle the leaves for use in a summer mojito or margarita the way they do in Mexico.
Cinnamon basil leaves are two inches long with strong veining, and the plants feature very dark violet flowers. Harvest for use in mixed bouquets. It’s a great source of vitamins A, C, and K.

botanical name Ocimum x citriodorum |
sun requirements Full sun |
height 12-24 inches |
hardiness zones 9-12 |
Lime basil looks similar to lemon basil with slightly darker leaves. Add it to any dish you want to intensify with a citrusy flavor, like fish or soups.
Quick to mature in just 60 days from transplant, you can start harvesting leaves one at a time as needed once the plant has established.
Pro tip: Muddle some leaves and add them to fresh salted water in the heat of a summer day for a delicious way to get hydrated quickly.

botanical name Ocimum basilicum |
sun requirements Full sun |
height 16-24 inches |
hardiness zones 9-12 |
Unless you have an experienced basil palate, you will likely not taste the difference between sweet basil and Genovese basil. As a cultivar of common basil, ‘Genovese’ has a more earthy, peppery flavor and less sweetness than sweet basil, which leaves a sweet anise and clove taste on your tongue.
Sweet basil originates in Asia and can be found growing in the tropics globally. It’s called the king of herbs for a reason; it is used in different ways by many cultures.
Italian Large Leaf

botanical name Ociumum basilicum ‘Neopolitan’ |
sun requirements Full sun |
height 24-30 inches |
hardiness zones 9-12 |
Large-leaf basil is a type of Genovese that has uniformly massive leaves, almost four inches long each. More bang for your buck! The flavor is sweet with notes of anise.
Basil is susceptible to downy mildew and fusarium wilt. Look for updated versions each season for a strong resistance package against these diseases. If you’re companion planting with another summer crop, space them appropriately so they have room to spread out.

botanical name Ocimum basilicum ‘Amethyst’ |
sun requirements Full sun |
height 16-20 inches |
hardiness zones 9-12 |
One of the most attractive basil types, this variety is an intense purple, almost black. It looks stunning in the garden and on the dinner plate.
Amethyst basil boasts an intense, sweet basil flavor, and when cooked fresh, the flavor is the most potent. Add it to pasta dishes, desserts, and soups, or float it on a cocktail to make a statement.
Watch for slugs on young plants in the early season. Days to maturity is 74, a bit longer than some others, but worth the wait.
Lettuce Leaf

botanical name Ocimum basilicum ‘Lettuce Leaf’ |
sun requirements Full sun to partial shade |
height 16-18 inches |
hardiness zones 9-12 |
Lettuce leaf basil has highly crinkled and large leaves, almost the size of a hand.
Its flavor isn’t as spicy as some others, making it a great option for caprese or as a spin on traditional lettuce wraps. It will hold shape and dressings well if you throw it into fresh salads alongside cherry tomatoes and cucumbers.
The growth rate of this variety is fantastic, and germination is high as well. Space basil plants at about a foot, or add one plant per container.

botanical name Ocimum basilicum ‘Cardinal’ |
sun requirements Full sun to partial shade |
height Up to 24 inches |
hardiness zones 9-12 |
They say we eat with our eyes first, right? Cardinal basil is such a beautiful type of basil you may not even want to harvest it! This variety is great as a filler in a cut flower garden.
The medium-green leaf shades and magenta flowers have a robust, sweet, and spicy flavor, so a little goes a long way to accent dishes. Cut extra? Add them to a vase for a unique summer centerpiece.

botanical name Ocimum tenuiflorum |
sun requirements Full sun to partial shade |
height 2-5 feet |
hardiness zones 10-12 |
This herb is part of the Lamiaceae (mint) family, like all basil, and is sometimes referred to as the Queen of Herbs or tulsi basil. The three types of holy basil include Vana, Rama, and Krishna.
The flavor profiles of holy basil are much deeper and earthier, including notes of clove, lemon, and licorice, as compared to the warmer, sweet flavor of Genovese basil. It can be pressed into a healing oil to treat skin ailments, relieve respiratory conditions, and lower blood pressure.
Holy basil makes a light and lovely tea that’s used often in Chinese and Ayurvedic medicine. Studies show that it can relieve stress, improve memory, and help us fight off infections.

botanical name Ocimum basilicum ‘Serata’ |
sun requirements Full sun |
height 12-14 inches |
hardiness zones 9-12 |
This heirloom type of basil has been around for many years. It has unique bright, light-green, ruffled leaves and grows low to the ground, looking more like a loose lettuce head or cabbage than basil, making it great for garnishing dishes.
It has strong South Asian spice, perfect for dishes like stirfry, fried rice, and braised eggplant.
The plant is strong, compact, and so pretty it can be used as an ornamental.
‘Purple Ruffles’

botanical name Ocimum basilicum ‘Purple Ruffles’ |
sun requirements Full sun |
height 18-24 inches |
hardiness zones 9-12 |
‘Purple Ruffles’ is exactly what you’re thinking it might be: purple and ruffly! Leaves grow in an upright manner, which may be confusing for some gardeners at first because it almost seems as though the plant is stressed.
The flavor is similar to sweet basil with hints of anise and cinnamon. Use it in the kitchen as you would Genovese basil.
Start seeds indoors on a heat mat set to 70-80°F (21-27°C) to get high germination rates in mid to late spring. Adding a fan to the area will help the soil from forming mildew, but just remember to keep an eye on the moisture levels. Use good-quality cell trays like these from Epic Gardening.

botanical name Ocimum minimum |
sun requirements Full sun |
height 8-12 inches |
hardiness zones 9-12 |
This dwarf type, often called bush or fine leaf basil, is great for container growing and small space herb gardening. Leaves are just a ½ inch long, and the growth habit is mounding, perfect to be used as an outdoor patio decor. While it’s more hardy than most other basils, it will not survive where winters are cold.
The flavor of Greek basil is a perfect blend of sweet and spicy. Typically, it’s added to tea or salads, but its clove notes can lend themselves well to sweet dessert breads, as well.
Transplant Greek basil plants out only once the soil has warmed to above 60°F (16°C) and space them at two feet. They’ll mature in just 60 days from transplant.

botanical name Ocimum basilicum ‘Marseilles’ |
sun requirements Full sun |
height About 20 inches |
hardiness zones 9-12 |
A globe type of basil, this heirloom is preferred in French cuisine and is believed to be the best in France. It has small to medium-sized leaves that have a classic basil flavor, never bitter.
Traditionally, it’s used to make pistou, which in Provençal means “pounded.” The sauce is similar to Italian pesto made by smashing up garlic, basil, pine nuts, pecorino, and olive oil and is often used as a marinade. Lemon balm or mint is added to keep the bright green color bright and fresh.
Throw some in a container and position it near entrances or outdoor play areas to help keep the mosquitoes away.

botanical name Ociumum basilicum |
sun requirements Full sun |
height 6-12 inches |
hardiness zones 9-12 |
If you want a quick-maturing and compact option that doesn’t skimp on flavor, ‘Summerlong’ Basil is your guy. Add it to a container, among other herbs in a cutting garden, or companion planted with summer crops.
Plants mature in 30-60 days from transplant and are slow to bolt. The flavor is comparable to sweet basil, so use it in the same ways you would in pasta dishes and pesto.

botanical name Perilla frutescens var. crispa |
sun requirements Full sun to partial shade |
height 1-3 feet |
hardiness zones 10-12 |
Ok, so technically, Japanese basil isn’t basil botanically. However, shiso is a cool thing for gardeners to add to their summer lineup and a creative herb to use in the kitchen. Most plants will have a majority of serrated green leaves with about 25% red leaves that are large and droop down slightly.
Shiso flavor is very versatile, with notes of cinnamon, mint, and cloves with a kickback of cumin. Try substituting it for regular Italian for a unique pesto and use it in a light summer pasta dish, or add it to fresh Vietnamese veggie rolls.
This plant is deer, heat, and drought-resistant as it is native to Asia. Space plants at 12-18 inches or grow them in containers. Leaves will drop after the plant flowers.
‘Green Ruffles’

botanical name Ocimum basilicum ‘Green Ruffles’ |
sun requirements Full sun |
height 12-18 inches |
hardiness zones 9-12 |
Similar to ‘Purple Ruffles’, this interesting-looking herb looks more like a serrated, wilted lettuce. In fact, ‘Purple Ruffles’ was made by mixing ‘Green Ruffles’ with dark opal basil. Its light to medium-green leaves are large, almost five inches, and heavily crinkled. The plant will remain on the shorter side.
Its flavor is light and sweet with hints of cinnamon, licorice, and slight citrus. Pair it with fresh tomatoes or fish.
General Tips on Growing Basil
- Lay off the nutrients, especially nitrogen. Too much will affect the flavor.
- Feed plants with a liquid seaweed extract one to two times during the season.
- Keep it well-watered.
- Ensure proper sunlight and airflow for best performance.
- Grow compact varieties in containers if desired.
- Basil plants can be brought inside for the winter if properly cared for.
- They will not tolerate extended periods of below 50° and cannot handle frost.
- Try propagating new plants from cuttings!
Final Thoughts
There are so many more basils than you can probably imagine and it’s time we start using more of them in the kitchen! Most types and varieties of basil are fairly easy to grow as long as they have full sun and well-draining soil.