How to Plant, Grow, and Care for Ornamental Oregano
If you’re looking for an attractive ground cover or want to add some scented plants to your garden, ornamental oregano covers all the bases. In this article, gardening expert Melissa Strauss tells you how to care for this ornamental perennial herb.

Oregano is an herb that we are all familiar with. Where would Italian food be without this all-important plant, after all? But oregano is not just a tasty ingredient for many cultures. It can also be a beautiful, ornamental plant.
The type of oregano used as an ornamental is not the same as that which makes the sauce delicious. It is a different species that may not taste as good, but it certainly is beautiful to look at.
Here is everything you need to know about growing ornamental oregano!

Plant Type
Native Area
Turkey, Cyprus, Lebanon, Syria
Full sun
up to 2’
Watering Requirements
Pests and Diseases
Aphids, spider mites, thrips, mint rust, blight
Soil Type
Well draining, sandy, rocky
Soil pH
Neutral to alkaline
What is Ornamental Oregano?
Ornamental oregano (Origanum laevigatum or smooth oregano) is a perennial herb in the mint family. While its relative, Origanum vulgare, is a delicious herb, O. laevigatum is not the best for cooking. However, it is a great addition to the flower garden. The Royal Horticultural Society has recognized several varieties of this plant with the Award of Garden Merit.
Caring for this plant is very similar to any other species of oregano. Even though they have different applications, the plants are quite similar in their needs and growth habits.

Oregano is a great plant with many current and historic uses. It is a symbol of happiness and a favorite among essential oil enthusiasts. This plant has its foundations in ancient civilizations. The Egyptians used it as an antidote for poisoning, as well as a preservative. Chinese healers have used the herb for ages, and in Shakespearean times, it was a considered a European cure-all for medicinal use.
In recent years, oregano has seen continued herbal and medicinal uses. This plant has been utilized widely for cancer and heart disease. Its antibacterial and antifungal properties are well documented in the scientific literature.
Native Area

It will come as no surprise to hear that this plant originates in the Mediterranean basin region. The cultures of the people in this area all include oregano as an herb central to their cuisine. This species predominantly originates in Syria, Turkey, Lebanon, and Cyprus.
This oregano grows in dry and rocky habitats. Rocky hillsides, meadows, and forest edges are common spots for it to grow naturally. This plant likes alkaline soil, so it often grows in spaces with a high concentration of limestone.

Ornamental oregano is a woody, herbaceous perennial. It is semi-evergreen, as it will retain its foliage in environments with temperate winters. I’ve seen my oregano hold its leaves when the temperature fell below freezing. But as a rule, the foliage is frost tender.
Different varieties have different growth habits that we’ll explore more below. Some grow up to two feet tall, and others creep along the ground. These creeping types are lovely ground covers.
Much like their culinary cousins, ornamental oregano plants pack a punch when it comes to scent. The leaves are highly aromatic and smooth. Some types of oregano have slightly fuzzy leaves, but this one does not. This quality has earned it the nickname “smooth oregano.” These small, ovoid leaves deepen in color during the heat of summer.
The standard flower formation for these plants will vary slightly among different varieties. In general, the plant produces clusters of small, tubular, purple flowers. Pollinators are fond of the flowers for their abundance of nectar. In some varieties, the flower bracts are layered and resemble hops.
Oregano makes a good companion plant for the vegetable garden because of its attractiveness to beneficial insects. It is also pest-repellent. Aphids, in particular, dislike its scent, and it helps to protect its neighbors from these nuisance insects.
Deeper purple bracts surround the flowers. The flowers bloom in summer, but the bracts remain on the plant much longer. In cooler climates, they hang on longer than the leaves, giving this plant a striking winter appearance.

Where other types of oregano receive accolades for their culinary use, this one doesn’t taste quite as good. You can use it for edible dishes, but it will likely disappoint. These plants are mostly flavorless. Breeding them for beauty rather than flavor has caused this difference.
Origanum vulgaris is commonly used to make essential oils with considerable medicinal value. Ornamental oregano (O. laevigatum), however, lacks many of the compounds that make the oil beneficial for health. Along with the flavor of the leaves, so goes much of the usefulness.
For the most part, ornamental oregano is used mostly in its name. The breeding of the plant has a definite focus on its attractiveness. Creeping varieties make a wonderful ground cover or container plant. Taller varieties make a lovely border or foreground to midground plant in the perennial flower garden.
Although they don’t have much flavor, they are still highly aromatic. Plant this near an outdoor living space to enjoy its spicy fragrance.
Where to Buy

If you have a larger local nursery that carries ornamental herbs, you should find this easily. Most hardware and home improvement stores will not reliably carry it, but many online retailers breed and ship ornamental oregano starts and seeds. Seeds take longer to become mature plants, and starting them can be tricky. We will get back to that in a minute.

Ornamental oregano is hardy in zones 4-9. Here, it will act as a perennial, so plant it where you want to keep it. Outside this range, it will grow as an annual. It makes a nice potted plant as well, so you can bring it indoors for the winter.
When choosing a spot to plant your oregano, consider the drainage and sun exposure. Choose a spot that has excellent drainage and gets full sun exposure. Soil nutrients are not very important to this plant. Acidity can be an issue, though, so avoid planting in acidic soil.
If you’re lucky enough to find this plant at a local nursery, planting will be simple. However, they don’t tend to be widely available, so growing them from seed is more common. You can directly sow the seeds when the soil temperature reaches 60-65°F (16-18°C). You can also start them indoors and transplant them when they are larger and sturdier.
Plant your seeds or seedlings about 12″-18″ apart to allow them to spread out. Taller types will need less of a footprint than trailing varieties. While they are drought-tolerant plants, young plants or seedlings require a bit more water. Make sure to keep the soil slightly damp to aid in germination and establishment.
How to Grow
Oregano is delightfully low maintenance and easy to grow. After you plant it in the right place and give it some attention while it gets established, you can sit back and relax. This is one of those plants that will surprise you with its sturdy nature.

Oregano is a full sun kind of plant. Full sun includes areas that receive six or more hours of sun exposure per day. That is not to say that your oregano won’t grow in partial shade. It absolutely will! I have some in hanging baskets on my front porch where they welcome friends with their wonderful smell. They get about four hours of sun daily, and they are nice and green.
Sadly, my partial shade oregano does not bloom. That is the disadvantage of planting them in partial shade. The plant will grow, but no flowers will bloom. You will miss out on not only the blooms but the stunning purple bracts that follow.

When young, your oregano plants will need the soil to stay moist. Once established, though, let them dry out between waterings. Soggy roots are not good for oregano plants. In their natural Mediterranean environment, these plants grow in a climate known for long, hot, dry summers.
Consider these plants to be mostly drought tolerant. They need about one inch of rainfall weekly to avoid supplementing. In times of prolonged drought, water your oregano once a week. Potted plants need more water because they dry out faster. Allow the soil to dry between waterings, but don’t wait a full week between, especially in the summer.

When it comes to soil, drainage and pH are important factors to consider. This plant grows well in rocky or sandy soil types and likes a nice hillside. Your soil has to drain quickly, so if you have denser soil, work a bit of sand or gravel into it before planting. If you have naturally sandy or rocky soil, this plant does well without amending.
In terms of pH, oregano likes soil to be slightly alkaline. Soil that contains a lot of limestone is ideal for this plant. Too much organic matter like compost or manure will acidify the soil, which isn’t right for this species. A bit of compost worked into the soil once per year will act as a fertilizer for your low-maintenance oregano. Just be careful about raising the pH too much.
Temperature and Humidity

The ideal temperature range for oregano is between 60-80°F (16-29°C). It is hardy in zones 4-9, and many regions of zone 9 tend to have long, hot summers. You may find your plants get a little droopy during the hottest months. This is a signal to give them a bit more water. In more temperate climates, your oregano should be quite happy during the warmer months.
Oregano is not especially fond of humid weather. It won’t fuss too much about a bit of humid weather, but make sure that it gets ample air circulation. Ideally, a range of 40-60% will keep your plant looking happy and healthy.

Oregano is efficient in its use of nutrients and, therefore, doesn’t need much fertilizer. This is great news if you’re planting a mass of it and using it as a ground cover. Working some compost into the soil once per year will provide your plant with the nutrients it needs. Be careful not to add things that will lower the pH, or your oregano will suffer.

Culinary oregano requires pruning if you want it to taste good, but ornamental oregano is different. When an herb goes to flower, it tends to detract from the flavor of the leaves as the flowers drag all the nutrients upward. This is not the case for ornamental oregano, as you won’t be eating it, and the flowers are the main attraction to this plant.
Don’t worry about pruning your plants during the growing season unless they become unruly. The time to prune this plant is in late winter or early spring. Before the plant begins to grow after dormancy, trim all the branches back to about six inches long. This encourages new growth and promotes branching, giving you a nice, dense plant.
Growing in Containers

Ornamental oregano makes a great container plant. The trailing varieties, in particular, look beautiful spilling over the sides of a hanging basket. Taller types look nice in a large clay pot. Planting your oregano in a container makes it possible to move it from place to place. Because of its spicy fragrance, this is a plant you will want to bring into your outdoor living spaces.
Choose a container that is the right size for the plant or plants you intend to grow in it. A 12″ pot will work for a single plant; multiples will need more space. Clay pots are good at wicking water away from the roots, which is a benefit for these drought-tolerant plants.
Make sure to use a potting medium that has excellent drainage. You can create your own by mixing some sand, perlite, or gravel in with a standard potting mix. You want this soil to hold water slightly longer than you would for plants in the ground. If your soil drains too quickly, you may find yourself watering every one to two days.
Place your potted plants in a spot that gets plenty of sunlight. Six to eight hours of sun is optimal and will encourage ample blooms. Hanging plants usually drain and dry out faster, so keep an eye on them for any wilting.
Propagation is simple and straightforward with this plant, whichever method you choose. The most common way to propagate is by seed. You can also carry out propagation with cuttings and by division.

You can directly sow your seeds in the garden, but you will have a better germination rate if you start them in trays. Oregano seeds require light for germination, so they need to stay on top of the soil. When you directly sow these seeds, you run the risk of them blowing or washing away.
Sow your seeds in shallow seed trays or small containers. Use a standard seed starter or potting soil. Spread the tiny seeds on top of the potting medium and place them in a space that stays above 60°F (16°C). Seeds will sprout in two to three weeks. When your seedlings have some permanent leaves, move them outdoors to harden them off.

Propagating by cuttings is another solid option. This type of oregano tends to be easy to grow from cuttings. Take your cuttings from tender, new growth. You want to choose and cut branches that are about four to six inches long and have several sets of leaves.
Keep the ends of your cuttings moist between cutting and planting. When you’re ready to plant them, strip off the leaves from the bottom half of the cutting. The nodes are where the new roots will grow from. Dip this end in a rooting hormone to expedite the rooting process.
In a small pot with well-draining soil, make finger-sized holes as deep as the portion of your cutting with the leaves removed. Place each cutting with this end down into a hole. Press the soil lightly around the stem and place your cuttings in a warm, bright location. Keep your cuttings moist but not soggy for several weeks.
Once you see new growth, it is okay to transplant your cuttings.

Dividing your plants is another good way to propagate oregano. Divide your plants in the temperate fall weather, when growth has begun to slow. Don’t wait too long because your divisions need some time to acclimate before winter rolls in. Division in early spring after frost is another viable time.
Dig up the root ball of your plant and use a gardening fork or just a regular fork to separate it into clumps. Try to have a gentle touch with this. You don’t want to traumatize the plant terribly.
Plant your divisions in the same way as your other oregano plants. It will take several weeks for them to recover from division, so don’t fret if your new divided plants look lackluster for a while. Give them a few weeks to get established, keeping the soil moist but not soggy. They will produce some new growth when they perk up, which is a sign that your division was successful.
Common Problems
Ornamental oregano has very few issues. It is pest and disease-resistant and commonly attracts beneficial insects to the garden. In this way, it can protect more vulnerable plants that are nearby. There are a few issues that might crop up, and you can handle most of them easily.

As I mentioned, many garden pests avoid this plant because they don’t like the smell. Aphids will have to be hard-pressed to go after your oregano. Thrips and spider mites might pop up, but beneficial insects will often take care of the small amount that is willing to brave this plant.

The diseases that affect oregano plants are primarily fungal in nature. These can be an issue when your plants stay wet when the weather is very humid and when there is poor air circulation. Keep your plants pruned and thin out very dense foliage to help promote airflow.
Good watering practices go a long way toward preventing fungal disease. However, if something crops up, the best defense is to remove all affected tissue. This can prevent the disease from spreading to other plants. If you find a case of root rot, dig up the plant and discard it away from other plants to prevent the spread of fungal pathogens.
Popular Varieties
Here are the most notable cultivars of this unique ornamental herb.

botanical name Origanum ‘Rotkugel’ |
sun requirements Full sun |
height 15” |
hardiness zones 5-9 |
‘Rotkugel’ is a flashy and extra-floral variety of ornamental oregano. This shrubby plant is taller than most varieties and forms a mound of foliage a bit more than one foot tall. It produces showy pink flowers that pollinators adore. The big bloom occurs in mid-summer, with each stem supporting a large flower head.

botanical name Origanum ‘Kirigami’ |
sun requirements Full sun |
height 8”-10” |
hardiness zones 5-8 |
‘Kirigami’ is a low-growing variety with a weeping habit. It looks great in a hanging basket. The whorling bracts resemble hops and are dusted here and there with purple but are mostly green. This variety puts off a lot of spicy scent. Add this to your container arrangements as a filler and spiller.
‘Kent Beauty’

botanical name Origanum ‘Kent Beauty’ |
sun requirements Full sun |
height 6”-9” |
hardiness zones 6-9 |
Another variety with a weeping habit, ‘Kent Beauty’ is popular for its long-lasting lavender bracts. They are similar to ‘Kirigami’ but more brightly colored. The stunning silvery foliage and low growing habit make this a beautiful ground cover. This variety blooms for a long time, from early summer to early fall.
‘Drops of Jupiter’

botanical name Origanum ‘Drops of Jupiter’ |
sun requirements Full sun |
height 2’ |
hardiness zones 4-9 |
‘Drops of Jupiter’ is a taller plant with upright stems that grows into a small shrub. The foliage is light, bright green, which beautifully complements the dark purple flowers and bracts. This variety makes a stunning border in the garden. Plant it around your outdoor living space, and the spicy aroma will greet visitors.
Frequently Asked Questions
Is Ornamental Oregano Evergreen?
In milder climates, such as zone 9, this plant will be evergreen. In colder climates, the foliage dies off in the winter and returns in spring.
Can Ornamental Oregano be Grown Indoors?
Yes, as long as you have a spot with plenty of bright light, you can grow this plant indoors. Potted plants can spend winter indoors to keep them green.
Final Thoughts
While it might not taste great, ornamental oregano has other excellent qualities. The spicy, aromatic foliage and flashy purple bracts make this a great plant to grow in the garden. This sturdy plant will bring beauty to your garden for many years.